Newbridge Park and Castletown Demesne win the National Flag Awards


A Newbridge Park and Castletown Demesne were chosen as two parks in the country designated for a Green Flag Award.

The list was announced today. Recognized only for exceeding the stringent environmental standards of green space management and for the excellence of tourist attractions, the Green Flag Award for Parks is the mark of a park or green area. of quality recognized worldwide.

revealed the parks and green spaces that received this prestigious distinction.

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A Winner For The First In 2017, It's Castletown Demesne To Kildare has hosted this year the 48 Irish parks and gardens throughout the Republic of Ireland that are receiving their 2018 green flags. Liffey Linear Park has also received a green flag.

The 2018 season saw 12 other parks and gardens candidates qualify for a prize.

This year also saw the initial introduction of the Green Flag community rewards system in Ireland, allowing sites run by volunteers and community groups to participate for the first time. The new Green Community Community Award expands the program to include community initiatives such as; Community Garden, Community Park and Small Town Projects

The Minister of Housing and Urban Renewal, Damien English, was present today to inaugurate the awards ceremony.

The Minister English emphasized that the provision of public parks and green spaces of good quality, managed in an environmentally sustainable manner. Planning, creating and using a public service, whether it is a community garden, a park or an open space, brings people, communities and neighbors together It is essential to have a healthy lifestyle to access and enjoy outdoor facilities, especially those that are so well maintained and well maintained.

The green flag awards are judged each year by a jury made up of experts in green spaces

In Ireland, the Green Flag Award for Parks Scheme offers major victories for the supply of green spaces. quality by parks and park departments. These include:

• Promotion and Reward for the Management of Best Practices

• The Creation of a Plan of Improvements and Future Work

• The Construction of A Collaborative National Park Management Network

Sustainability in Park Management

Three of the 2018 Green Flag Award Awards were also identified by the National Biodiversity Data Center for an additional Pollinator Project Award, which is jointly managed with An Taisce Environmental Education and is sponsored by Young's Nurseries. 19659002] Although there are pollinator project awards in different categories of parks, it is Castletown Demesne itself, managed by the Office of Public Works, which won the award.

This site features not only pollinator-friendly plants and gardens, but also a great effort to educate and promote the public through its website and social media.


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