Night Energy: Wheeler Called Trump a "Bully" in 2016 | Court rules for greens in the brick industry


The Acting Chief of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during the presidential campaign called President Trump Donald John TrumpEx-CIA chief Brennan compares Trump to Bernie Madoff Timeline: Scott Pruitt Warren Controversies: Trump Should Have Triggered Pruitt's Scandals – There's More Than One "båully" That "Did not Really Succeed" in Business .

Andrew Wheeler, who has been the deputy administrator of the EPA since April and will soon be acting administrator through Scott Pruitt Edward Scott Scott PruittTimeline: Scott's Controversies Pruitt Warren: Trump should have dismissed Pruitt's "28 scandals ago" Matt Drudge shares makes fun of "Survivor's" cover suggesting more White House officials will leave this summer The resignation of MORE wrote the comments in a Facebook post February 2016.

In the post, Wheeler, a form energy lobbyist, has writes a six-part condemnation of Trump. He understood that "no one really knows what his political beliefs are," "he does not really understand how the government works," "he has more baggage than any other Republican candidate combined" and "he is a bully."

Wheeler supported Sen. Marco Rubio Marco Antonio Rubio Night Health Care: HHS Using DNA to Reunite Families | Planned Parenthood increases pressure on Supreme Court vote | ObamaCare browsers antsy on Huawei financing: FCC proposal would hurt poor rural communities Trump gave giant Chinese cell phone manufacturer a runtime PLUS (R-Fla.) For the president. But he told The Washington Post, who discovered the blog last year, that he came to support Trump later in 2016, after Rubio got out of the race, when Trump spoke at an event organized by mining company Murray Energy Corp.

"I made those comments while I was working at Rubio's presidential campaign," said Wheeler in a statement to The Hill. "In June 2016, I attended a speech by then Donald Trump's nominee in Wheeling, WV.He gave a 40-minute energy speech where he did not use A note or teleprompter, and as I have said before, it was the most comprehensive energy speech ever heard by a presidential candidate. "

Why is this? important or not: Wheeler is far from the first Trump administration official to have vocally denounced Trump during the 2016 primary campaign

Pruitt, who had supported the Former Florida governor, Jeb Bush, called Trump "empty ship" on the Constitution and feared that with him in the White House, "there may be a very brutal instrument like the voice of the Constitution. Rick Perry James PerryTrump's Coal Plan Could Lead to 1 Pollution-Related Death for Two Jobs: US-Russian Talks On the Agenda: Energy Overnight Energy – Presented by Chevron – Watchdog to Lean on Zinke deal with exec oil | Perry concedes that sanctions against Iran could raise oil prices | The GOP chairman pushing the probe into the MORE green groups who was another primary opponent to Trump, called it a "cancer on conservatism".

Learn more.

Apparently, the old enemies of Trump can, the eyes of the president, redeem himself.

Happy Friday! Welcome to Overnight Energy, the Hill's newsletter of the latest news on energy and the environment. Please send tips and comments to Timothy Cama, [email protected], and Miranda Green, [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter: @Timothy_Cama, @mirandacgreen, @thehill

GREEN VICTORY IN THE BOX OF BRICK: A Federal Court of Appeal ruled Friday that parts of the latest rule of the # EPA on air pollution for brick makers do not go far enough.

The Columbia District Court of Appeal accepted the arguments of environmental groups, stating that the EPA acted badly when it minimized the cancer risks of certain pollutants and set low thresholds. of pollutants for emissions of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride. The panel of three judges also completely rejected the arguments of the brick and tile industries that the 2015 rule was too strong.

While the Obama administration wrote the rule and refused petitions in 2016 to rewrite it, the Trump administration has defended until now, the decision of the judges was centered on the finding that even if the EPA's final rule could establish acceptable standards, the agency did not warrant them properly

. "The EPA did not provide a record sufficient to determine that there is no risk of cancer, "Judge David Sentelle, benched by President Ronald Re agan, wrote for the unanimous court.

is not just a situation in which the EPA relies on the results of scientific studies that have been unable to demonstrate a cancer risk to "prove a negative". Read more …

AT APT NEXT WEEK: Congress returns to town next week, just in time for questions about Pruitt's resignation and his replacement.

Here is what happens:

– The Subcommittee on National Parks of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing Wednesday on the Restoration Act of our parks, which would use a portion of revenue

– The Committee of the Whole Energy will hold a hearing Thursday on interstate infrastructure for natural gas and electricity.

– The Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works Old hearing on Wednesday on low-cost infrastructure loans and "long-term value for US taxpayers."

– The House of Natural Resources will hold a increase on Wednesday on six bills – The Subcommittee on Water, Energy and Oceans Committee on Natural Resources will hold a hearing Thursday on four bills on the federal infrastructure of water and electricity.

– Federal Subcommittee on Natural Resources Holds Hearing Thursday on Grazing on Federal Lands


Southern California Prepares to a record heat wave, the Los Angeles Times reports .

Hurricane Beryl 's formed in the Atlantic Ocean, becoming the first hurricane of the Atlantic in the 2018 season, NPR reports .

Director of the Arizona Corporation Commission Signed amid conflict of interest, reports .


Discover the stories of Friday …

-The Greens win in court The interim head of the EPA called Trump a "tyrant" [19659030] during the campaign

– EPA officials claim political interference in a carcinogenic chemical study: report

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