“No Irish No Gay” banner in North being treated as hate crime


A banner found hanging over the M1 in Armagh that read “No Irish No Gay” has caused widespread outrage.

No Irish No Gay #noirishnogay Sad embarrbading & desperate measures by DUP supporters. @duponline have you condemed this? Remember the saying ..’what you permit you promote’ ! #brexit pic.twitter.com/aUmAmJk5Rr

— Charlie Bear (@Charliebearview) October 19, 2018

Nobody has stepped forward to claim ownership of the banner, which was visible as motorists took the M1 towards Belfast.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland have removed the banner since it appeared on Friday, and are said to be treating the incident as a suspected hate crime.

SDLP MLA for Lagan Valley Pat Catney condemned those responsible for erecting an offensive sign on the M1.

“For too long anti-Irish rhetoric was deemed acceptable across these islands,” a statement read.

“These days are long gone and despite the best efforts of some, they aren’t coming back.

“Likewise, spray can warriors will not hold back the progression of LGBT+ rights here in the North.

“These views are not representative of the majority of people in Northern Ireland and they will not be tolerated.”

He then went on to say that the banner was reported to the PSNI and was being treated as a hate crime.

At a time when the world has gone nuts and there is so much hatred and division in the country, I shouldn’t be shocked at this but I am.

“No Irish No Gay” sign hangs in Northern Ireland. @Love_EqualityNI #LoveTrumpsHate #LGBT @LGBTTVF pic.twitter.com/CmPYFlySqq

— Dave Smith (@Daveyboy89) October 19, 2018

Sinn Fein MLA Declan Kearney also condemned the banner and those responsible.

“Officers have removed the banner and the matter is being treated as a hate incident with a racial and homophobic motive.

“Anyone with any information is asked to contact officers at Lurgan on 101.”

Kearney went on to say that the banner was a result of a clear sign that “the tide is changing” in favour of the LGBTQ community.

“Over the summer the largest, most vibrant, colourful Pride parades took place across Ireland, and thousands of people have also taken to the streets in support of Acht Gaeilge,” he said.

“This sent a clear message that the tide is changing.”

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