No more shaving for Stradbally's stubbly clerics for the Irish Cancer Society


In a week when Stradbally woman Elizabeth O'Kelly donated 6 million euros to the Irish Cancer Society, the spirit of the famous Laois town is organized for another fundraiser for charity.

It's an ecumenical attempt involving two members of the local clergy in the town that hosts the Electric Picnic.

Stradbally's Parish Priest by Gerard Breen and Church of Ireland Rector Rev. Alec Purser has agreed to go to the United States to raise awareness of the fight against cancer and to raise funds for Society.

"Please do not support us with this very worthy cause," said the clerics in a note to their parishioners.

Sponsorship cards are available in the Parish Office, in the Rectory and in local shops.

It remains to be seen if Fr Gerard and Rev Alec can hit the mark Mrs O'Kelly donated to the charity. It is this week that the Irish Cancer Society was one of five charities to benefit from $ 30 million left by the Laois resident in her will.

The Irish Heart Foundation, the RNLI, the Irish Autism Society and the Irish Kidney Association received an equal portion.

Mrs O'Kelly died aged 93 in December 2016. Prior to her death, she was a shareholder in Clylim Properties but also earned $ 30 million from the Leinster Leader Ltd in 2005 to the Johnston Press Group. She was a major shareholder in the Leinster Express.

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