"No one in my administration has been charged"


Former President Barack Obama has repeatedly blasted his successor in the White House in a series of fiery speeches on Friday.

At a rally in Detroit, Michigan, Obama mocked President Trump's promise to drain the swamp saying instead, "they went to Washington and just looted."

"In Washington, they have accumulated enough indictments to build a football team," Obama said. "No one in my administration has been charged."

Earlier at a rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Obama spoke of Hillary Clinton's messaging server, accusing Republicans of doing so to "frighten citizens before every election."

"In the last election, it was Hillary's e-mails. "It's terrible" … "It's a national security crisis." They did not care about emails and you know how you know? Because they had done so, they would be in the arms now that the Chinese listen to the president's iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart, "Obama said, referring to to a report on Chinese and Russian spies digging through the president's phone calls. .

Without ever mentioning the name of the president, Obama continued his criticism, taking it to himself and to other Republicans for simply "inventing things".

"What we have never seen before in our public life are politicians who lie blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly. Just invent stuff, "Obama said. "Call, down. Caller black, white. "

While urging crowds to vote for Democratic candidates in Michigan and Wisconsin, Obama said "the character of our country was on the agenda."

With postal wires

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