Novichok poisonings: Residents warned not to pick up "foreign objects" | Kingdom News


The Chief Medical Advisor of England sent warnings to people living in the area where one person died and another was seriously ill because of the neurotoxic agent novichok.

Lady Sally Davies warned parents living in Salisbury and Amesbury Make sure their children do not pick up any items and ask residents to stand away from thrown objects that might contain liquid or frost.

Police and service personnel look for the object, supposed to be a container. Sturgess and Charlie Rowley came into contact with it before collapsing. Sturgess is dead and Rowley remains seriously ill.

The detectives work on the basis that they were exposed to some sort of vessel containing the same batch of novichok used in the attack against the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia , Davies said, "I would like to point out to everyone in the Salisbury and Amesbury area that no one, adult or child, should pick up foreign objects that may contain liquid or frost, in the interest of their own safety.

"In practice, this means not picking up containers, syringes, needles, cosmetics or similar objects made of materials such as metal, plastic or glbad. [19659002] "This is especially important as families begin to prepare for their children's summer holidays, so I ask that people be very vigilant. To be clear: do not pick up anything you did not let yourself down. "

She added," Life goes on in Salisbury and Amesbury and I want to be clear that the overall threat to the public is unchanged and remains low. I would also like to point out that the areas that have been cleaned and made public in recent weeks are safe and should be used normally. You do not need to seek advice from a health professional unless you have symptoms. "

The investigation was extended to another site, 40 miles from Salisbury

  Lady Sally Davies

Lady Sally Davies, and British Counter Terrorism Police Chief, Neil Basu, at a press conference at New Scotland Yard in London. Photography: John Stillwell / PA

A car was seized on a residential street in Swindon Monday night after the death of Dawn Sturgess, who fell ill with her partner, Charlie Rowley.

Detectives believe that the pair manipulated a Novichok-contaminated container, believed to be from the same batch used in the attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March

Soldiers wearing gloves and gas masks saw a white plastic Audi, loading it onto a truck and taking it away

The Audi that was towed is supposed to belong to an ambulance attendant who attended Rowley's address when he and Sturgess collapsed. It is understood that paramedics are fit and healthy.

Neighbor Sarah Jones, a RAF corporal, said the police had rebadured residents that they were not in danger, but added: One of my kids is playing outside. I will not leave her now. "

Wiltshire Police
(@ wiltshirepolice)

We organized the transport of a car from an address to Swindon tonight in connection with the ongoing incident in ] #Amesbury The public should not be alarmed by this.The people involved have the training and expertise to safely remove the vehicle 1/2 BruH9i06f9

July 9, 2018

Sturgess and Rowley became ill on June 30 at Amesbury, 32 miles south of Swindon Police opened investigation into murder after Sturgess's death at the hospital Sunday evening.

The car is at least the third vehicle to be seized since.On Sunday evening, duty personnel wearing protective gloves and a respirator towed a red van from a road to Durrington, near Amesbury Rowley is thought to have traveled in the cam puppet shortly before collapse.

A bus taken by Salisbury to Amesbury was also seized and tested at the Porton Down Government Laboratory, but declared free from Novichok.

The Sturgess family claimed that Dawn's death had been devastating. Dawn will always be remembered as a sweet and generous soul. It would do just about anything for anyone and those who knew Dawn would know she would gladly give her last dime to someone in need.

"She had the biggest heart and she will be sadly missed by her immediate and extended family. Our thoughts and prayers are also with Charlie and his family and we wish Charlie a speedy recovery. "

  Dawn Sturgess, pbaded away Sunday as a result of exposure to the neurophilic agent Novichok

Dawn Sturgess, died Sunday following an exposure to Novichok neurological agent." Photography: AFP / Getty Images

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