Number pulling a mortgage jumps


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  Charlie Weston

  • The draw of a mortgage number jumps

    Independent. ie

    The number of people who take out a mortgage jumped while the activity of building houses has increased. -a-mortgage-bonds-37155935.html /business/personal-finance/property-mortgages/article36872067.ece/1d1ea/AUTOCROP/h342/page20_property.jpg

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The number of people who take out a mortgage has jumped as the activity of construction of houses has increased.

Some 17,337 people benefited from a home loan in the first half of this year.

Last year, this figure was up nearly 2,400, according to figures from the 1971 edition of the Banking and Payments Federation.

More than 9,339 mortgages were issued, compared to 7,998 a year earlier. The value of loans jumped 22pc from 1.65 billion euros to 2 billion euros during the quarter.

During the year, the average value of a mortgage increased from 13,000 euros to 216,000 euros compared to the first half.

The number of loans granted to first-time buyers and repurchase agreements grew strongly during the quarter.

Half of the total number of mortgages collected is for new buyers.

New buyers and movers combined account for three-quarters of all those who take out a mortgage.

According to figures from the Banking and Payments Federation, new real estate purchases are financed more quickly by banks than by banks of opportunity.

The number of mortgages on new properties has increased by nearly 2,300, an increase of 29.5 percentage points over the past year. For second-hand goods, the increase was only 1.9 pc

Separate figures from the Banking Federation and payments show that nearly 4,300 potential buyers were approved for a mortgage last month. This marks a slight increase over the same month of last year.

The annualized volume of mortgage approvals reached 44,153 during the year that ended in June

which is slightly higher than the 12-month period ending in May this year. The annualized value of approvals has increased by 0.3 pc to nearly 9.8 billion euros

The fastest growing segment in terms of value has been switching, where the value of loans has increased. increased from 4.1pc to 1.1 billion euros. Dermot O 'Leary has forecast that mortgages will increase by 20pc this year, compared to the previous year.

This would bring the mortgage market to 8.8 billion euros by 2018.

Irish Independent

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