Owner of the bookstore says that he called the police on a woman who confronted Steve Bannon


A bookstore owner in Virginia called the police on a woman who was shouting at former White House strategist Steve Bannon inside her facility over the weekend, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Bannon joins a growing list of Trump badociates or employees who have been confronted in public.

Nick Cooke, owner of Black Swan Books in Richmond, told the Virginia newspaper that Bannon was sailing inside his store when a woman called him "rubbish". Cooke called 911, but the woman left in making this call.

"Steve Bannon was just standing, looking at books, taking care of his belongings," Cooke said. "I asked her to leave, and she did not, and I said," I will call the police if it is not the case. And I went to call the police and she left, and that is the end of the story. "

Richmond police confirmed that a call had been launched Saturday afternoon against someone who was shouting at a political figure in the bookstore, adding that the call had been canceled before that officers may respond, according to the Times-Dispatch, another comment, but did not immediately hear.

Recently, officials linked to President Trump have faced confrontations from concerned citizens.

White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, was invited to leave a Virginia restaurant by her owner, citing her work for President Trump.Scott former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, was put to the challenge by a woman who was holding her two-year-old son in a restaurant in Washington, DC, last week

In June, protesters shouted to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen N ielsen, inside a Mexican restaurant, while the Trump administration was shocked by its policy of family separation at the border. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, were also faced with the same policy in Georgetown.

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