Passengers bleed ears after Ryanair flight loses pressure


  Ryanair apologized to pbadengers. Photo: Reuters
Ryanair apologizes to pbadengers. Photo: Reuters
  • Pbadengers bleed ears after Ryanair flight

    Thirty-three Ryanair pbadengers were treated at the hospital, some suffering from bleeding ears after their flight from Dublin to the cabin lost pressure and had to make an emergency landing in Frankfurt. [19659004] /incoming/article37119426.ece/f490a/AUTOCROP/h342/RYANAIR-UNIONS.jpg

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Thirty-three Ryanair pbadengers were treated at the hospital, some suffering from bleeding their ears, after their flight from Dublin to Croatia lost cabin pressure and had to make an emergency landing in Frankfurt.

Oxygen masks were released on flight FR7312 from Dublin to Zadar on Friday, when he suddenly lost cabin pressure and was diverted to Frankfurt Hahn airport. their destination in Croatia organized by Ryanair yesterday. They were unable to fly because of the wounds they had sustained to the ears

. Many pbadengers were taken to the hospital with broken eardrums and the doctors advised them not to fly for another week.

The loss of pressure caused the descent of the oxygen masks and some pbadengers suffered from earaches, headaches and nausea.

German police said that a total of 33 pbadengers had been transported to the hospital after disembarking

The crew deployed oxygen masks and initiated a controlled descent " , says Ryanair release.

A flight on showed that the flight dropped from 37,000 to 10,000 feet over a period of seven minutes 80 minutes after the flight. The plane "landed normally and the pbadengers disembarked, where a small number received medical attention as a precaution."

German police said that 33 of the 189 pbadengers had been hospitalized. were still receiving treatment yesterday.German investigators said that the voice recorder and the flight data recorder were secure and that the crew and pbadengers would be interrogated.

A p Spanish actress, Minerva Galvan, tweeted that she had heard a crack and that there was no more air in the cabin.

"Some people were bleeding ears and noses, others were nervous but no one panicked."

Ms. Galvan congratulated the cabin crew for her professionalism, but she felt that the pbadengers "were forgotten" after landing in Frankfurt, with some ending up sleeping on the floor. She said that her Croatian boyfriend had been taken to the hospital and that he had not been allowed to take the plane yesterday because of the injuries that he had sustained. .

Some pbadengers were traveling before the World Cup final between Croatia and France today.

The airline stated that it had agreed to pay for the hotels for the affected pbadengers but that there was "a shortage of available accommodations." Sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience. "

Sunday Independent

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