Pelosi slams Trump's "despicable attacks" on Waters at rally


Leader of the Domestic Minority Nancy Pelosi Nancy Patricia of Alesandro PelosiBlack Female Leaders Sneak Up to the Top Dems for Not Defending Maxine Waters Progressives Are About to Change the # Agenda (D-Calif.) Clamé President Trump Donald Trump John Chelsea Handler issues an apology on July 4 to the world: "We are sorry for our president" US pork producers are preparing to high tariffs: "I do not want to be the patriot who dies at the end of the war" ACLU members rose from 400,000 to 1.84 million after the Trump election: MORE report on his comments on Rep. Maxine Waters Maxine Moore WatersBlack Women Leaders Rip Up Dems for Not Defending Maxine Waters Progressives Are Ready to Shape the Agenda If Dems Resumes Home The American Name Is Yours This July 4th MORE (D-Calif.) At a rally on Thursday night.

Trump at the Montana-style rally called Waters a "low-IQ individual," an badertion that he repeated several times. He speculated that his IQ is "somewhere in the mid-sixties".

The average IQ is 85-114, and a mid-1960s IQ indicates mental challenges.

"@RealDonaldTrump, instead of committing despicable attacks on @RepMaxineWaters, why do not you focus on reuniting children that you put in cages with their families?", Tweeted Pelosi on Thursday evening. "It's been nine days since a federal judge ordered you. @realDonaldTrump instead of committing despicable attacks against @RepMaxineWaters why do not you focus not on the reunification of children you put in cages with their families? "It's been nine days since a federal judge ordered you. #FamiliesBelongTogether https: // t .co / YO1tTFg6gM

– Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) July 5, 2018

Trump also fired shots at Pelosi and Minority Leader of the Senate Charles Schumer Charles ( Chuck) Ellis SchumerConstituents addressed Schumer's cardboard cutout when he did not attend the town hall: report The Hill's 12:30 Report With Ocasio-Cortez, NY Dems replay Bolsheviks against Mencheviks PLUS (DN Y.) at his rally Thursday night, while calling Waters – a vocal Trump criticism He called for his dismissal – "the new leader of the Democratic Party."

The president included the jabs in attacking Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who stands for re-election this year in a Trump state won the 2016 election. Matt Rosendale, the opponent at Test Tester, joined Trump at Thursday's rally

"A vote for Jon Tester Jonathan (Jon) TesterThe Supreme Court post precipitates the battle of the Senate in chaos. in the six-figure advertising Overnight Defense: the White House "strongly objects" to ZTE's proposal | Senate Subcommittee Advances Bill on Pentagon 5B New Questions on VA pick PLUS is a vote for Chuck Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis SchumerConstituents addressed Schumer's cardboard cutout when he was born Did not attend the town hall: report The Hill's 12:30 Report With Ocasio-Cortez, NY Dems Replay Bolsheviks Against Mensheviks MORE Nancy Pelosi And The New Democracy Leader Party, Maxine Waters " Trump said, "Where did they go?"

Waters, who has long called for Trump's dismissal, faced a violent reaction last week for his comments encouraging his supporters to confront the Trump administration officials in public . Do not have any sympathy for those people who are in this administration who know it's wrong what they do on so many fronts, but they tend not to want to face this President, "said Waters at a rally in Los Angeles. those members of his cabinet who stay and try to defend him … people will turn them on, they will protest, they will harbad them completely until they decide that they will tell the No, I can not hang out with you, it's wrong, it's unacceptable and we can not continue to do that to children.

The comments of Waters and Pelosi occur while the Trump administration continues to be the subject of close scrutiny. its "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which has resulted Trump signed a presidential decree ending family separation last month, but federal agencies are struggling to reunite families who were separated then that adults were being prosecuted for illegally crossing the border.

On June 26 a federal judge ordered the Trump Administration to immediately reunite separated immigrant families as part of the uncompromising immigration policy of the United States. administration

. Human Services (HHS) works to reunite families HHS Secretary Alex Azar said that as many as 3,000 migrant children remain in government custody

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