Police move to remove firewood from Belfast bonfires


  Police on the site of a bonfire in the Bloomfield Avenue neighborhood in Belfast. Riot police escorted masked contractors as they removed wood from two loyalist bonfire sites in Belfast. Photo: PA "title =" Police on the site of a bonfire in the Bloomfield Avenue neighborhood in Belfast. Riot police escorted masked contractors as they removed wood from two loyalist bonfire sites in Belfast. Photo: PA "width =" 620 "height =" 433 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  Police on the site of a bonfire in the Bloomfield Avenue neighborhood in Belfast. Riot police escorted masked contractors as they removed wood from two loyalist bonfire sites in Belfast. </p>
<p>  Riot police escorted masked contractors by removing wood from two loyalist bonfire sites in Belfast. </p>
<p>  https: / /www.independent.ie/irish-news/police-move-in-to-remove-wood-from-dangerous-belfast-bonfires-37108894.html</p>
<p>https://www.independent .ie / incoming / article37108074 Riot police escorted masked contractors as they were removing wood from two loyalist bonfire sites in Belfast.
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Authorities moved to two sites in the east of the city, fearing that the houses would be damaged by fire. Last night, the Bloomfield Walkway and Cluan Place fires were burned by Loyalists as part of the traditional eleventh night celebrations to mark the 1690 victory of Protestant King William of Orange over the Catholic King James II. the Battle of the Boyne.

Contractors whose faces were hidden removed the excess wood from the Bloomfield Walkway site a few hours after a huge fire was lit prematurely on the site. The structure was set ablaze amidst a deadlock of the night between police and young loyalists after a High Court judge ordered that his size be drastically reduced.

Later, workers moved to remove a huge bonfire built next to a main road near Cluan Square. The Bonfire at Bloomfield Walk has caused controversy in recent years due to its proximity to homes.

Irish freelance

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