Police stop driver after noticing that they were using a Lucozade bottle as an indicator


It would need “lots of energy” to pbad the NCT.

BBC have reported that police in Yorkshire had to stop a lorry on a busy motorway after they noticed that this particular driver was using a bottle of Lucozade as an indicator.

While driving on the M62 motorway near Bradford on Saturday afternoon, West Yorkshire traffic officers spotted that the lorry had the fizzy water bottle sellotaped over the indicator.

The vehicle was also over its weight limit, had a brake light not working and a smashed wing mirror.

Police said the “driver was fined and prohibited from moving until the weight issue was sorted.” The driver probably didn’t have the energy to contest these charges.

Granted, the Gardaí do their very best to keep us informed about what’s going on around Ireland’s roads, but we wonder if they’re asking people to stay hydrated and energized too?

HGV sighted on the #M62 near #Bradford this afternoon which attracted our attention.

A tad overweight.
A Lucozade bottle for an indicator.
A brake light not working.
A smashed wing mirror.
A cracked windscreen.#team3 #OperationalSupport pic.twitter.com/PBMmFOCLOI

— Traffic Dave (@WYP_TrafficDave) November 3, 2018

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