Protesters face McConnell on immigration in Louisville


Several demonstrators reportedly called Saturday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on a street in Louisville, demanding that families of separated migrants at the US border be reunited and that the CIE be disbanded. McConnell joins a growing number of politicians linked to President Trump who have been facing the streets in recent weeks. The former White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, found himself in a similar situation on Saturday when he was called a "piece of trash" by a woman in a Virginia bookstore. Shouting "Vote for you!" And "No comfort for the fascists," the group followed McConnell to his car after he had lunch with Jonathan Shell, outgoing Kentucky chef. "Where are the kids? Where are the babies, Mitch?" One can hear a protestor asking in a video of the incident posted online. "What are you doing to bring back the babies?" Ask another person. A man can also be heard screaming, "We know where you live" as McConnell gets into his car.

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