Rare coral discovered in Irish waters


A high-seas research mission uncovered rare, previously undocumented corals in Irish waters.

Scientists have found a type of black coral that is different from any other found to date and that may turn out to be an entirely new species.

They say that their last trip confirmed that the deep waters off the west coast are a refuge. such marine life.

The researchers also found a potential sponge reef on the Rockhall Bank

Described as "very unusual", it is composed of living and dead sponges that form a habitat for many other creatures marine.

this genus was only recorded in Canadian waters

One of the scientists involved, Dr. Kerry Howell of the University of Plymouth, said that was the first time she had seen such a sponge reef for nearly 20 years. to study the North-East Atlantic.

The researchers involved in the study returned to Galway after completing three weeks of sea investigations.

Using the ILV Granuaile, they deployed the Holland 1 Remote Control Vehicle (ROV) to collect samples, record high definition video footage and monitor underwater conditions 300 miles offshore.

The ROV can operate at depths of up to three kilometers, giving researchers a unique insight into ecosystems that exist well below the sea surface.

Coral Reefs The cold water in question should benefit from currents that push food particles along the ocean ridges. As filter feeders, corals thrive accordingly.

Areas surveyed during the last voyage of the Marine Institute were identified as potential reef habitats as a result of an ongoing ocean mapping program.

The samples collected during the mission will be badyzed in the coming months.

The potential use of deep corals and sponges in the pharmaceutical sector is one of the areas studied further.

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