Robert Mueller's indictment: how a journalist kidnapped Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein


Journalists waiting for an important announcement by Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein suddenly calmed down, striving to hear a voice among them

"What I will tell you it's not official, "said NBC News. Justice correspondent Pete Williams, not realizing the Ministry of Justice's video feed was online. Thus, a few minutes before Rosenstein could announce the news, Williams informed the world of the information still under embargo: the special advocate Robert S. Mueller III had filed new indictments accusing 12 Russian intelligence officials to conspire to hack the computers of the Democratic National Convention. 19659003] An embargo on news is the request of a source to refrain from publishing information until a certain time.

[Mueller probe indicts 12 Russians for hacking Democrats in 2016]

Social media immediately exploded.

"Pete Williams on hotmic: 12 Russian hackers accused of hacking DNC," tweeted Justin Miller national editor of the Daily Beast.

Pete Williams is a national treasure

– Joshua Benton (@jbenton) July 13, 2018

There is something very fitting about DoJ trying to make a livestream and we all end up watch the stand-up of Pete Williams. Sam Baker (@sam_baker) July 13, 2018

"Oh," said Williams. "I can not say more about it until Rosenstein comes out."

Shortly after, a DOJ spokesman addressed reporters and lifted the already dead embargo


Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller officially disprove a major theory of Trump's plot

The Mueller probe incites 12 Russians to hack Democrats in 2016

Rod Rosenstein announces charges of 12 Russian agents [19659014] window.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {});
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