Russian News: Putin will send robots into space here next year | World | New


The Roskosmos Space Agency has planned to send in space a pair of humanoid robots called FEDOR, the nod of the mission that is expected to take place next August.

It aims to compete with scientists from other countries like China Vladimir Putin approved plans in 2011 to send several vehicles to the Moon and Mars, although they all disappeared

According to the RIA Novosti website, researchers should "fly for the first time aboard the ISS as crew members, and not as cargo in the transport compartment". traveling in space in an unmanned Soyuz rocket

that the Russian state media called a "good PR movement".

The bots were originally designed for rescue operations, but were programmed to perform human actions. Last year, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin took on Twitter to deny the robot "was a Terminator" and insisted that they were lifting guns. Instead, it is part of a broader effort to develop artificial intelligence for "practical significance in various fields."

Sam Bendett, NAC Associate Research Analyst and Research Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council, said: designed as a proof of concept – and the role of space for this robot has been involved from the beginning.

"He does a very effective" android "military in official videos where his shotguns, but ultimately it's a dual purpose"

In 2011, NASA sent to the ISS Robonaut 2, a 330-pound humanoid robot with manual control, to study how this type of robot should work Robots can be used to perform simple, repetitive or particularly dangerous tasks.

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