Ryanair Emergency: The German investigation begins


German investigators of aviation accidents opened an investigation into the sudden loss of cabin pressure on a Ryanair flight between Dublin and Croatia on Friday.

The flight had to make an emergency landing at Frankfurt – Hahn airport after losing cabin pressure, with dozens of pbadengers requiring medical treatment at the landing.

German authorities contacted the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit, informing them that they had opened an investigation into the incident. It is understood that an official notice of the investigation will be released Monday.

During the flight, oxygen masks came down and pbadengers were seen bleeding ears as pressure fell in the cabin, a pbadenger on the flight told The Irish Times

Spiegel Online

When the aircraft has landed in Germany, the German Federal Aviation Investigation Bureau is responsible for conducting the investigation into the incident.

A spokesman for the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit said that they "would support" the German agency in their review of the incident.

As a result of the incident, the Irish Aviation Authority stated that "sudden depressurization is a rare phenomenon". However, a spokesperson did not want to comment on the specific incident until the investigation conducted by the Irish and German investigators was completed.

It is routine in cases where pbadengers are injured during a flight, or when a fault or malfunction occurs, for an investigation of an aircraft accident. be launched.

Respiratory Difficulties

The sudden loss of pressure in the cabin may cause breathing difficulties in flight, due to high altitudes, and may result in fainting of pilots and pbadengers unless and until the accident occurs. they do not receive additional oxygen. The pressure in the badpit essentially means that the air pressure in the aircraft is kept much lower than on the outside, which facilitates breathing.

The loss of pressure in the cabin has led to a major tragedy in the past. In 2005, cabin pressure dropped during a flight from Cyprus to Athens, which caused drivers to lose consciousness. While the Helios Airways aircraft was subsequently operating on the autopilot, the 115 pbadengers had run out of oxygen and the plane crashed when it ran out of fuel. , killing everyone on board.

Robert Troy, spokesman for Fianna Fáil for transportation, said that he expected Ryanair to conduct its own review of the incident. "It is obvious that things have changed rapidly, which has caused a lot of anxiety and worry," he said.

"Ryanair has a strong track record in public safety and I hope that an investigation will be conducted without delay," he said.

In a statement on the incident, Ryanair stated: "In accordance with the standard procedure, the crew deployed oxygen masks and initiated a controlled descent." The aircraft landed normally. and clients landed, where a small number received medical attention as a precaution. "

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