Ryanair increases strikes to show its rise


  A significant escalation towards a real world trade war would change the situation from an economic and commercial point of view. (stock photo: Bloomberg)
A significant escalation of a full-fledged world trade war would change the deal from an economic and commercial point of view. (Stock photo: Bloomberg)
  • Ryanair Raises Strikes to Show Increase


    Ryanair helped fuel an increase of more than 1pc in the Iseq Irish Stock Index yesterday, despite the Irish pilots' strike and fears of further attacks elsewhere.


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Ryanair helped fuel a rise of more than 1pc yesterday in the Iseq index of Irish stocks, despite the Irish pilots' strike and the fear of new strikes elsewhere.

The airline said the strike had not allowed pilots to win anywhere.

The company's shares rose more than 3.5pc yesterday, while elsewhere there were more than 2pc setbacks in Kingspan and Aryzta. The Iseq index closed up from 1.14pc to 7024.26

Afternoon in the United States, stocks rose, while treasuries fell as trade tensions appeared to soften after China reacted immediately against the latest American salvo

. The 500 index was preparing to close at its highest level since February, while China seemed to be adopting a conciliatory tone in reaction to the new escalation of the trade war between President Donald Trump and the two countries.

Industrial and technology stocks led gains, propelling the Nasdaq composite index to a record high.

Ten-year Treasury yields rose, while the dollar depreciated relative to most other countries, after US consumer prices were lower than the US dollar. in June. Said Dave Haviland, managing partner of Beaumont Capital Management in Needham, Mbadachusetts.

"It's the comings and goings of everyday, the markets tend to overreact or react emotionally to news." 19659004 "All this swirling cauldron, all these worries and uncertainties are really causing this daily tugging.While the markets are looking forward to the lull in the escalation of the trade war, they will remain on guard pending possible retaliation by Beijing for Trump's last volley.

These concerns eclipsed economic data suggesting that global growth is on track.

Irish Independent

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