Ryanair pilots agree to talk in a secret location before the 24-hour strike


  A Ryanair jet plane at Dublin Airport (Niall Carson / PA) "title =" A Ryanair jet plane at Dublin Airport (Niall Carson / PA) "width =" 620 "height =" 349 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  Ryanair jet plane at Dublin airport (Niall Carson / PA) </figcaption></figure>
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  • Ryanair pilots accept talks at secret location before 24-hour strike

    Independent.ie [19659004] RYANAIR pilots have accepted secret location on the eve of a 24-hour strike this Thursday.


    https: / /www.independent.ie/incoming/article37091844.ece/24d91/AUTOCROP/h342/P29.ryanair

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ANANAANA pilots have agreed to stay in a secret location at the day before a 24-hour strike on Thursday.

In a statement, the Irish Airline Pilots Association said it accepted the airline's invitation to meet with its representatives on Wednesday.

However, he said that he is still waiting for Thursday's industrial action in pursuit of better conditions

She said that her union, Fórsa, had written to the company this afternoon to confirm that the talks could take place in a "neutral" secret location.

This is to "appease" Ryanair's concerns.

Pilots threatened to leave Thursday looking for better terms and conditions, including a more "transparent" selection process for promotion, leave and transfer between bases

"The union s & # 39, is committed to the place of the meeting would remain confidential, "said Fórsa in a statement.

He stated that the venue of the meeting would be known only to the company and the union delegation directly The union has said that the effect of union action on Thursday's flight schedule remains unknown.

He said that he was determined to work to resolve the outstanding issue of a seniority agreement for pilots in

Ryanair announced that it had proposed to meet its pilots and Fórsa in a neutral place Tuesday or Wednesday to avoid the unnecessary strike of pilots.

In a letter addressed to the secretary Fórsa National, Angela Kirk, Chief People of Ryanair. Officer Eddie Wilson proposed a neutral venue at Terminal 1 of Dublin Airport for the meeting.

He blamed the Aer Lingus pilots for trying to disrupt Thursday and several days in July and August

. you explain a letter signed by a pilot of Aer Lingus (Evan Cullen) at the Dublin Airport Authority on June 25, in which he "is considering a series of interruptions of a and two days in July and August. "Please explain why a pilot of Aer Lingus organizes a series of strikes at the Dublin Airport in July and August, some ten days before the end of the pilot poll from Ryanair. "

It is clear in this letter and the refusal of the union to meet in the offices of Ryanair, that" no matter what we do, a small number of our pilots, led by Aer Lingus pilots " are determined to disrupt the flight and customers.

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