Ryanair Strike: Michael O 'Leary Company Cancels Friday Other Flights From Ireland To Great Britain


Ryanair canceled 24 flights to Britain on Friday because of the industrial action planned by the pilots.

The budget carrier said the high frequency routes were the ones affected, meaning customers can transfer to other flights. The company stated that all customers were contacted by text message or e-mail and that any pbadengers who have not received any communication should expect that their flight will work as intended.

", Emphasizing that they have received written proposals that address concerns about seniority.

IALPA / FORSA Ryanair pilots photographed on the picket line at 39 Dublin Airport

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In a statement, the company said: "Ryanair regrets informing Irish customers that 25% of our 350 Irish drivers and their Forsa union voted again for the strike on Friday. July.

"This second strike is useless because Ryanair has already made written proposals to address their concerns about seniority – even though Forsa and the pilots' committee do not even understand that their demands will be detrimental to Prospects of the Irish pilots. "

Customers on the flights concerned would receive refunds or free transfers
to other flights.

The dispute concerns about one hundred members of the Association Irish air pilots (19459040), members of the Forsa union, in conflict with Ryanair over basic transfers, promotions and holidays.

Ryanair plane and Spanish station (in medallion)

Ryanair's headquarters in Swords, Dublin

A union spokesman says he has invited They have added that since yesterday, Ryanair's proposals are not enough to solve the problem, but the members remain determined to find a solution

. from Ireland because it uses more than 250 independent pilots.

Union pilots reported that 99% of 120 members voted for a strike.

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