Ryanair's note describes the threat of strike as "blackmail"


An internal memo from Ryanair called Thursday's strike threat of pilots "blackmail", and said the airline will "face" industrial action.

The letter to the staff, written by Eddie Wilson, Ryanair Chief People Officer RTÉ News stated that only 27% of its 350 pilots based in Ireland supported the strike and that it had "no mandate" democratic".

Last week, Ryanair pilots were voted by the Irish Airline Pilots Association (IALPA)) voted to support the strike in their dispute over the terms and conditions, and a 24-hour strike is scheduled for Thursday, July 12th.

The pilot unions announced that they would inform the airline of new stops in a timely manner and would remain available for

In his note, Mr. Wilson stated that the Fórsa union of IALPA " refused 20 different invitations to meet us here in our airside offices (where all the other meetings with our people and their unions took place ").

The memo said that if Fórsa does not meet the airline tomorrow, Tuesday or Wednesday, then "it is likely that some disruption will occur next Thursday."

He said that unless such a meeting takes place, the airline will issue a notice of update to pbadengers on Tuesday, he informed them of plans to minimize disruption caused by the strike

As d & # s 39; other airlines, Ryanair has already been hit by air traffic strikes in Europe that made more than 210,000 pbadengers canceled last month. He said more than 1,100 flights were canceled for the second consecutive month due to air traffic strikes on four weekends in June, as well as staff shortages in the UK, Germany and France. v, n, t, s) {
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