Scientists are planning a giant laser to call aliens


Scientists have plans to use telescopes as an alternative to alien worlds, perhaps putting us in contact with E.T., or the predator or even the engineers of Alien – which should be more important for humanity.

The idea is to create a planet orbiting stars closer than 20,000 light years away. Using a 1-to-2-megawatt laser focused through a mbadive 35-40-meter telescope could create a strong infrared beam.

An alien observing would be able to tell us something about the energy coming from our solar system and investigate. And perhaps inserting it into the stomach by using a face-hugging delivery system.

Proxima Centauri is reasonably close to our solar system
Proxima Centauri is reasonably close to our solar system

Nearby star systems like Alpha Centauri appear in their living area, namely Proxima Centauri b. If that planet was an advanced type of life.

Communications would take just 4.4 years at the speed of light.

Systems like TRAPPIST-1 are more distant at 40 light year away but has seven planets. There may be three planets in the system that are habitable by life as we know it.

All of these systems are close enough for us


The laser phone could be placed on the moon, according to MIT
The laser phone could be placed on the moon, according to MIT

The suggestion is that because of the dangers of such a large laser we should construct it on the moon. That would reduce the risk of scrambling aircraft systems if they flew overhead.

James Clark of MIT admits calling E.T. might not actually be a good idea, but suggests that it's a debate we'd need to have.

Stephen Hawking warned us that aliens would be a disaster. He asked that even if we received a signal first it would be a mistake to answer.

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His argument was that it could be more advanced than it was, and it might be better.

Towards the end of life Hawking is convinced that we are not alone in the universe. "As I grow older I am more convinced that we are not alone" he said in a film called Stephen Hawking's Favorite Places.

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