Scientists discover complex organic molecules in one of Saturn's moons


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  Scientists discover complex organic molecules in one of Saturn's moons
Traces of complex organic molecules captured by a space probe demonstrate that a moon in orbit around Saturn has all the conditions necessary for life. [19659008] Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, has long held the attention of scientists because of the fact that it has a warm ocean that contains minerals and molecular hydrogen . This last compound is very important because it produces chemical energy, necessary for the natural life.

A new study published on Nature newspaper delves into these beliefs, demonstrating that Enceladus contains complex organic molecules in its ocean. "Complex organic molecules do not necessarily provide a livable environment, but on the other hand, they are a necessary precursor to life," said Dr. Frank Postberg in an interview to The Independent

. Only another body outside the Earth is known to satisfy all the basic requirements of life as we know it.

All this data was collected by Cbadini, a NASA space probe that has been running for 20 years and has been around Saturn for 13 years. d & # 39; them. Enceladus' surface sometimes cracks, releasing plumes of vapor and ice captured and badyzed by the space probe

As Cbadini's final mission, the probe plunged deep into Saturn's atmosphere and sent all the collected data to Earth before burning up. and disintegrate like a meteor.

Although there are more missions for Saturn in the near future, Dr. Postberg says that in the next five years NASA will make a decision on the weather or not, they should continue to pursue extraterrestrial life on this distant planet. "We have a livable environment there and we have the means to probe it to find whether there is real life or not."

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