Scientists have proven the human impact on the climate The results are based on long-term observational data for the climate, as well as theoretical models.


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   The human influence on the climate was first proven by a group of climate scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and other scientific organizations in the United States. The study was published in the journal Science, writes </p>
   Conclusions based on long-term observations of climate data compared to the results of theoretical models. This approach has made it possible to distinguish the contribution of anthropogenic factors from natural cycles </p>
   We have studied the effects of man on the global average temperature and the heat of the oceans and the rise in sea level due melting glaciers. </p>
   In particular, using satellite data, we estimated the impact of anthropogenic factors on the difference between the mean temperatures of warm and cold months. In addition, there was a simulation that included several climate change models, including the effects of human activities. </p>
   Finally, it has been established that in mid-latitudes we should observe a tangible increase in the magnitude of annual temperatures due to anthropogenic factors. . The reason for this is the stronger warming of the air during the summer months. </p>
   In addition, variations in amplitude north of the equator are expected to be more pronounced due to the difference in area of ​​the southern and northern hemispheres. ] During the course of the work, the experts badyzed the data received from satellites for 38 years </p>
   Earlier, it was reported that a scientist had transformed the sound oscillations of plasma waves near Saturn into "music" . “/><!-- Hupso Share Buttons --></div>
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<h4>  About the Author </h4>
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Born on July 18, 1950 in Athens, Greece, Lisa Flanders continued her studies in economics at the University of Cambridge before moving to the United States. United. She was a conservative commentator before moving to Liberal politics and started

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