Secret fallback plan if all May proposals are rejected by the EU


  British Prime Minister Theresa May. Photo: Simon Dawson / PA Wire
British Prime Minister Theresa May. Photo: Simon Dawson / PA Wire
  • Secret plan of withdrawal if all the proposals of May are rejected by the EU

    British ministers drew up a secret plan of "Brexit The Checkers Market of Minister Theresa May will be killed by Brussels. -37162777.html

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British ministers have drawn up a secret plan of "Brexit" of retreat amid fears that the agreement of the British Prime Minister Theresa May on Checkers is destroyed by Brussels.

It is based on the EU's trade agreements with Canada, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand, and sources have confirmed that it would be proposed if the government of the United States of Ms. May's agreement was rejected or collapsed in the face of eurosceptic opposition. , originally commissioned by David Davis, the former secretary of Brexit, is based on the EU 's trade treaty with Canada and is much closer to the deal the Brexiters want. It comes after Michel Barnier, the chief Brexit negotiator for the EU, actually killed a key part of May's plan by warning that Brussels "can not and will not" allow the UK to collect fees on his behalf. The withdrawal being based on the existing treaties, it is much more likely that Brussels accepts it. Mr. Davis told the Daily Telegraph: "I called it the reserve parachute, ready to go, interesting for European countries that do not want to do anything and lose the £ 39 billion ($ 44 billion) divorce bill. d & # 39; euros). "

The fallback option would eliminate tariffs and support a system of "mutual recognition" of manufactured goods standards, as opposed to the Checkers compromise, which links the United Kingdom to the rules of the United States. EU on goods.

"trusted dealer" systems, based on Canadian and Japanese transactions, to reduce the need for customs controls. It also reflects the EU's agreement with New Zealand to minimize controls on agricultural products.

A government source said: "We would go to the EU and ask for the best pieces of each market."

Mr. Davis said the EU would reject Ms. May's compromise because that he "was trying to push us into a customs union" and forced the United Kingdom to accept the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. [19659004Duringthistimetheproportionofvotersfavoringareferendumonthefinaltermsofanyagreementonthelong-termpartyaswellasonthefirstoccasionwhenMsMay'sapprovalnotesweretakenupinaYouGovsurvey(19659004)Therewouldbeareferendumonthefinaltermsofanyagreement42pcsaidthatthereshouldbeanewvotewhile40pcsaidthatthereshouldnotbeTherestdidnotknow

The survey of 1653 adults in the UK was conducted Wednesday and Thursday this week, said 'The Times & # 39; ;.

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