Sen. Senator: "Abolir ICE will not do anything" unless we change Trump's policies


Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) Downplayed Sunday calls from fellow Democrats to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

"Abolish ICE will not do anything unless it changes Trump's policies," Blumenthal said on CBS . Nation. "

A growing number of Democratic lawmakers, including presidential candidates 2020 Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand Elizabeth Kirsten Gillibrand Trump Strikes Dems Pushing to Abolish ICE:" They Will Be Beaten If Lawmaker: ICE became a "rogue agency" Congressional Congress: "I was proud to be arrested" with MORE immigration protesters (NY) and Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Ann WarrenTrump Strikes Dems Pushing to Abolish ICE: "They're going to be so beaten" Democratic lawmakers join nationwide protests against Trump's immigration policies Abolish l & # 39; ICE becomes a decisive test Dem MORE (Mbad.) Have come to the support of the elimination He said Sunday that Trump administration policies are the primary cause of the inhuman treatment of migrants and whom they d should be treated first.

"I visited the border about a week ago. . I have seen the brutality and inhumanity and absolute cruelty of these policies, "he said.

" There is no plan or way to reunite [migrant families] ", he continued." That does not happen and the Trump administration is embarked on a train crash – a moral sinking, a legal train accident and a humanitarian train crash. "[19659010] @SenBlumenthal : The abolition of ICE will result in nothing unless we change the policies of Trump

– Facing the Nation (@FaceTheNation) July 1, 2018

ICE played a pivotal role in the Trump administration's efforts to break down on illegal immigration. to a growing reaction following the policy of "zero tolerance" of the administration, which led to the separation of migrant families at the border.

The agency was the target of e protests in recent weeks. Donald TrumpScaramucci warns that Trump must "change tactics now" on trade Trump is looking to buy a historic Scottish building for the hotel: Republican report wins right to replace Farenthold in Congress PLUS fiercely defended the agency, claiming that protesters want "anarchy" and endanger the agents of the ICE.

He criticized Democrats calling for the abolition of ICE on Saturday, saying the issue would hurt them mid-term. ] (function (d, s, id) {
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