Senate battles in two key races


Senate races in two key states are growing up in the final week of the midterm election, according to new polls.

Fox News polls has been released in North Dakota and Arizona, the two states that will help determine which party controls the next year.

In North Dakota, Rep. Kevin CramerKevin John CramerEXIM Bank's fate is tied to the outcome of the Senate midterms Election Countdown: Violence casts cloud before midterms | Clinton opens door to 2020 | Trump calls Gillum a 'thief' | Dems worry about about midterm message | Trump camp's midterm ad does not feature president Biggest election winner? Polarization in America MORE (R-N.D.) Is leading Democratic Sen. Heidi HeitkampMary (Heidi) Kathryn HeitkampElection Countdown: One week from midterms | House battlefield expands | Trump double down on immigration | Steve King's GOP campaign chief rebukes | Clinton team quiets 2020 talk | Election Countdown: Violence casts cloud before midterms | Clinton opens door to 2020 | Trump calls Gillum a 'thief' | Dems worry about about midterm message | Trump camp's midterm ad does not feature president Biggest election winner? Polarization in America MORE (N.D.) by single digits at 51 percent to 42 percent among likely voters, based on the Fox News Poll, which was conducted by Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw & Company Research.

It's a narrower margin than a Fox News Poll released on Oct. 3, which had Cramer's leading Heitkamp by 12 percentage points at 53 percent to 41 percent among likely voters.

The poll was conducted from Oct. 27-30 with the help of interviewers.

In Arizona, the latest Fox Poll News has the race to succeed Sen. Jeff FlakeJeffrey (Jeff) Lane FlakeConway's husband's op-ed calling Trump's birthright proposal 'unconstitutional' Flake: Trump 'can not' and 'should not' birthright citizenship Poll: Sinema leads McSally by 6 points in Arizona Senate race MORE (R-Ariz.) In a tie with Reps. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) And Martha McSallyMartha Elizabeth McSallyPavlich: Arizona does not deserve Sinema Overnight Health Care – Presented by Purdue Pharma – Idaho's GOP governor backs Medicaid expansion | ObamaCare enrollment unlikely to increase next year | Election Countdown: One Week from Midterms | House battlefield expands | Trump double down on immigration | Steve King's GOP campaign chief rebukes | Clinton team quiets 2020 talk | Sanders will not promise to serve full (R-Ariz.) Both at 46 percent among lightly voters.

It's a little more than a Fox News poll released on Oct. 3, which had Sinema's leading McSally 47 percent to 45 percent among likely voters.

The Arizona poll was conducted between Oct. 27 and 29, and with a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

While the Senate races in North Dakota have tightened, the race in Missouri between Sen. Claire McCaskillClaire Conner McCaskillElection Countdown: One week from midterms | House battlefield expands | Trump double down on immigration | Steve King's GOP campaign chief rebukes | Clinton team quiets 2020 talk | Elder Countdown: Violence casts cloud before midterms | Clinton opens door to 2020 | Trump calls Gillum a 'thief' | Dems worry about about midterm message | Trump camp's midterm ad does not feature more (D-Mo.) And Attorney General Josh Hawley, candidate GOP, remains unchanged compared to Oct. 3 Fox News Poll.

McCaskill and Hawley are in a dead heat, which each receiving 43 percent of likely voters, according to the poll, which has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

And in Tennessee, where Sen. Bob CorkerRobert (Bob) Phillips CorkerPoll: Blackburn up 5 in Tennessee Senate race Taylor Swift posts on Instagram for Bredesen in Tennessee Trump administration must pursue investigation into Khashoggi case MORE (R-Tenn.) Is retiring, and Indiana, where Democratic Sen. Joe DonnellyJoseph (Joe) Simon DonnellyFive takeaways from the final Indiana Senate debate Vulnerable Senate Democrats and members of the Senate Senate 'historically difficult' for Dems, says pollster MORE (D-Ind.) Is running for reelection, the Senate races have widened in the final weeks according to new Fox News Polls.

Rep. Marsha BlackburnMarsha BlackburnPoll: Blackburn up 5 in Tennessee Senate race EXIM Bank's fate is tied to the outcome of Senate midterms Taylor Swift posts on Instagram for Bredesen in Tennessee MORE (R-Tenn.) Is leading form Gov. Phil Bredesen (D) by 9 percentage points at 50 to 41 percent among likely voters. It's a bigger margin than the 5 percentage point lead Blackburn had the same poll released earlier this month.

The poll was conducted between Oc. 27-30, and includes interviews with 718 likely voters. The poll has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

And in Indiana, Donnelly is a leading businessman Mike Braun, the GOP Senate candidate, 45 percent to 38 percent among likely voters, according to Fox News Poll.

The margin is larger than 2 percentage-point lead he had in Fox News Poll this month, when he was leading Braun at 43 percent to 41 percent.

The Indiana poll was conducted between Oct. 27 and 30, with interviews with 722 marginaires.

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