Seniors travel to Zimbabwe in anticipation of crucial elections


The Elders' visit at a time when most of the discontent against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and Zanu-PF in power comes from the MDC Alliance

This week, the Chair of the Committee Judge Priscilla Chigumba said in an interview on the radio that the Electoral Body website had been hacked and crucial information had been cloned.

"It was a serious breach of computer security.They actually cloned our site and we are doing something about it and we should have this site removed during the week," he said. she said.

The alleged hacking was brought to light a week after Zanu. PF sent text messages to registered voters on their mobile phone requesting votes.

The main mobile operator Econet has distanced itself from bulk messages, prompting the opposition to suggest that the electorate was working in cohorts with the ruling party. ] As such, the MDC Alliance prepares to picket at the electorate offices until the eve of the election if the party's issues are not dealt with.

"People will stay in the offices, we will start in Harare, but we will have teams in all the provinces so that nothing will happen until we have a satisfactory answer," said L & # MDC Alliance

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