Shane Ross says seniors should not fear redesigning bus services


Older people and the poorer communities on the sidelines of Dublin "have nothing to fear" from the redesign of Dublin's bus services, said Transportation Minister Shane Ross.

The new network is expected to be in place by the end of next year, promises more frequent buses and faster service. However, this will involve more frequent bus changes, the elimination of some direct routes, and greater distances to stops for some pbadengers.

The redesign will also see the scrapping of all existing road numbers and their replacement with a simplified lettering system. , at the same time as the creation of new orbital and local bus lines "feeder".

Speaking to the publication of the proposed new network, Mr. Ross acknowledged that there would be concerns about such "radical" changes, but he said that pbadengers.

It would be "completely false" if the elderly or disadvantaged communities had worse services as a result, he said, but he was confident this would not be the case. "Politically, my main goal in terms of public transport is to facilitate the disadvantaged, isolated and retired, which would be a top priority if we consider the details of this situation. have nothing to fear. "

When asked if he was concerned about the loss of Highway 46a, which leads to Dun Laoghaire in his riding, he said that he would be "imprudent" to comment on a particular itinerary. But let me say that there will be more numbers in the future, but if the numbers are lost, it does not mean that the routes will be lost, it simply means that people will have to familiarize themselves with the new names. "[19659002] Jarrett Walker, a US-based transportation consultant who undertook the overhaul of the National Transport Authority, said that it was inevitable that all pbadengers do not look forward to the changes.

Travel patterns

"I have never experienced such a process when everyone was satisfied with the proposed network. This is not how it works. Alterations always change the travel habits people are used to, and there are sometimes people for whom the new network may not be as convenient as the existing network.

He added that some people had to walk a little further services, but that would not exceed 400 m, which corresponds to the walking distance through the existing service, and there would be an increase in service all the time. day.

"It's because we are interested in retirees, who works at Spar. We are interested in all these people, frankly the majority of people who travel all the time, not just in peak periods. "

However, he said that the needs of different users of public transport should be balanced.

" Retirees follow a different schedule in their lives to other members of the population. a problem of balance between the needs of retirees and the needs of workers who tend to be in a hurry.Public transport must be useful to people in a hurry. "

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