Spider Modded Robot Takes care of the plant on his head


  hexa plant robot
Tianqi Sun / Vincross

We do not know about you, but our vision of a futuristic and robotic society has always involved a bunch of highly specified machines performing everyday tasks, each

We're seeing that to a certain extent today – Roomba robots emerging from their docking stations to sweep the ground, Kuka industrial robots that attach parts to automobiles – but there are still tons of tasks left unfinished. From time to time, we are teased with specialized examples, such as the laundry bending robot, but for the most part, these robots remain elusive. Who will water my plants when we are gone?

The answer may lie in a modified version of the Hexa robot developed by a Chinese robot scientist and founder of the Vincross robotics company, Sun Tianqi. In 2014, Tianqi launched an installation called "Sharing Human Technology with Plants", which explored exactly what it says on the box. Taking this project further, Tianqi later programmed his spider-like Hexa robot to carry a succulent plant on his head, moving to or away from the sun to ensure that the succulent has adequate access to light . More than a simple guide to sunlight, the moded Hexa can let his human know when the plant needs water by trampling his paws in a small dance

"In this project , I turn a plant into an animal "Tianqi said Digital Trends. "I help it to break free from its default limitations such as put forward by nature.More simply, I help a movement of plant experience through robotics." With this curious little project which is part of the artistic facility, partly robotic laboratory, my hope is to remind us that human beings are constantly using technology to break the boundaries of nature for millions of years. "[19659004] the premature death of a sunflower. Tianqi explained, "If this sunflower could just move a few meters in the shade, it could have survived.Sunflower is dead because of its limitation by nature.We meanwhile, we, humans, are using technology all the time to break our natural limits.The plant can not walk by nature, but it can walk with technology.That's why I baptized the project "Sharing human technology with the plants. "

Hexa is a programmable robot, similar to a spider, both adorable and robust, which means that DIYers can modify their own hexa, but beware, Hexa models are not cheap. basic costs $ 950 – and that's before the scheduled changes.

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