St Swithin's time may be auspicious for England and Wales


  • St Swithin's time might well augur for England and Wales

    The people of England and Wales are experiencing a dry summer and glorious if we believe the legend of St. Swithin's Day. Scotland and Northern Ireland may not be so lucky.

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People in England and the Country Wales are in for a glorious and dry summer, if one believes the legend of St Swithin's day – but Scotland and Northern Ireland might not be so lucky.

According to the myth of the weather, if it rains on July 15th, the rainy weather will last 40 days and 40 nights.

England and Wales are experiencing a sunny day of St Swithin with temperatures reaching 32C (89.6F), while heavy rains will fall in parts of Scotland and a large part of Northern Ireland.

Today, it is the day of Saint Swithun

According to folklore, if it is raining today, it will continue for the next 40 days and 40 nights.

Rain or dry weather – which one do you prefer?

Comment below-

– Met Office (@metoffice) July 15, 2018

But meteorologist meteorological officer Rachael West has allayed fears that people who enjoyed a dry Sunday will likely see some showers over the next week, and vice versa.

"Certainly some changes in the forecast over the next week, regardless of the next 40 days.But if people want to believe in St Swithin's day, it's up to them to decide," he said.

St Swithin was an Anglo-Saxon bishop of Winchester, who died in AD862.

When he was made a saint in 971, his body was dug up and moved to an inner sanctuary in the cathedral of

A sailboat moored in the water of Southampton when the sun rises (Andrew Matthews / PA)

Some writers have claimed that this outrages the sky, causing rain on the church and continuing uninterrupted for 40 days.

But the Met Office said that there had not been 40 days of drought or 40 days of rain after the day of St Swithin since the beginning of the registers in 1861.

Ms. West said some people are probably happy to see the rain, especially in Northern Ireland where there is a pipe ban.

The bookmaker Ladbrokes believes that there is a 100% chance that the rain will fall consecutively for 40 days and 40 nights, and bookmaker Jessica Bridge said: "We hope and pray that the odds are on the # 39, silver

"Although the heat wave does not last all summer, it looks like the temperatures are moderate and the precipitation will be rather sunny."

Temperatures could rise up to 31C or 32C Sunday and Monday, probably in the London area.

As the week progresses, we expect it to become a little cooler and not as hot as it gets. It was.

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