Supreme Court gives go-ahead to social media giant to appeal against data decision


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  • Supreme Court gives go-ahead to social media giant to appeal against data decision

    Supreme Court agreed to hear an unprecedented call by Facebook on a case concerning the validity of data transfer channels between the EU and the United States. ruling-37173486.html


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The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an unprecedented call from Facebook on a case concerning the validity of data transfer channels between the EU and the United States.

The social media giant is appealing the decision of a High Court judge to seize the European Court of Justice.

The Supreme Court of Five Judges said yesterday that she would hear the urgent appeal before the end of

Last May, Justice Caroline Costello of the High Court ordered the "immediate" referral to the European Court of Justice of 11 questions relating to the validity of European Commission decisions approving data transfer channels. 19659004] The issues raise important issues of EU law with huge implications, including whether the High Court was right to conclude that there is "indiscriminate mbad treatment" of data by US government agencies under the authorized PRISM and Upstream programs. persuades the Supreme Court to make certain orders in his appeal, these can only be useful if the Supreme Court's judgment is delivered well in advance of the probable date Chief Justice Frank Clarke pointed out that the grounds of appeal include the right to appeal against a removal order issued by the High Court

. Justice said that there may be cases where there may be a significant dispute as to whether an appeal is admissible.

Facebook challenges certain findings of fact by Ms. Justice Costello in basing the reference, which she claims to be false.

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