Take a look at this week's sky, from July 20th to 28th


Comet PanSTARRS, C / 2017 S3 suddenly eclipsed at about 8th magnitude. He is waiting for your reach, or maybe even big binoculars, in the northeast sky before dawn begins. See Bob King's article and the search graphics: PanSTARRS Comet, Rocked by Outburst, Green Goes

  Jupiter and Moon, July 20, 2018

As dusk fades on Friday night 20 July, look at Jupiter, then Spica, then Alpha and Beta Librae emerge in sight near the Moon.

Friday, July 20th

• The Waxy Gibbous Moon shines on Jupiter tonight, as shown here. Left of Jupiter of only 2 ° is the large binocular double star Alpha Librae, magnitudes 2.8 and 5.1

The Moon is 1.3 second light from us, and Jupiter is 44 light-minutes in its rear. plan. The two stars of Alpha Librae are 77 light-years behind them.

Saturday, July 21

• Now, Jupiter and Alpha Librae are shining at the bottom right of the Moon. At the bottom of the Moon is Antares, with other Scorpius stars scattered above.

Sunday, July 22

• The Moon shines on Antares and the Scorpius Head tonight. Bright Vega approaching the zenith by the east and Arcturus descends the western slope of the sky

  Moon and Saturn, 23, 24, 25, 2018

Then Tuesday night, the 24, the Moon s & Associates with Saturn, Jupiter's farthest relative

Monday, July 23

• Saturn shines at the bottom left of the Gibbous Moon tonight, as shown here. The Moon and Saturn form a triangle not quite equilateral with cat eyes, an uneven pair of stars in Scorpius' tail far below. This triangle elevates higher and rotates clockwise as the night gets late.

The cat's eyes are inclined at an angle; the cat tilts his head and blinks. A line across them points west (right) up close to a fist width to Mu Scorpii – a much tighter pair known as Little Cat's Eyes. Can you solve Mu without using binoculars? It's hard!

Tuesday, July 24

• The Moon shines with Saturn tonight, as shown here. Saturn, the farthest and brightest planet, is 3,420 times farther and 35 times wider

Wednesday, July 25

• The almost full moon shines between Saturn, around a fist at arm's length to his right after dark. complete, and shining Mars on two fists at the Moon on the lower left (for North America).

Thursday, July 26

March is in opposition tonight, facing the Sun as seen from Earth. It will actually be closest to the Earth, and its biggest and brightest, four days from now on the night of the 30th. But really, the difference between now and then is so tiny that it will be undetectable.

Friday, July 27

• Full Moon (accurate at 4:20 pm EDT). Full Moon is Moon's opposition, so she shines with Brilliant Mars, which is just a day after her opposition.

Mars is 143 times farther from us than the Moon (and twice as large). It is covered with rusty dark brown dust compared to the dark gray dust of the moon. So why do they look orange and white in our night sky? This is because they are illuminated brightly by the direct sunlight while the rest of the night around us, to which our eyes adapt, is much darker.

Saturday, July 28

• Now the moon shines more to the left of Mars after they get up.


Do you want to become a better astronomer? Learn your way around the constellations! They are the key to locating anything weaker and deeper to hunt with binoculars or a telescope.

This is an outdoor nature hobby. For an easy-to-use constellation guide covering the entire evening sky, use the large monthly map in the center of each issue of Sky & Telescope The Essential Guide to Astronomy.

  Jumbo Pocket Sky Atlas cover

The Pocket Sky Atlas traces 30,796 stars at magnitude 7.6, and hundreds of telescopic galaxies, star clusters and nebulae among them. Shown above is the Jumbo Edition for easier reading at night. Sample Table

Once you have a telescope, to put it to use, you will need a detailed atlas of large-scale sky (set of maps). The basic standard is the Pocket Sky Atlas (either in the original or Jumbo Edition), which shows stars at magnitude 7.6.

The next is the largest and deepest Sky Atlas 2000.0 reporting the stars at magnitude 8.5; almost three times more. The next time, once you know your way, are the largest Interstellarum atlas (stars at magnitude 9.5) and Uranometria 2000.0 (stars at magnitude 9 75). And read how to use the sky charts with a telescope.

You will also need a good guide to the deep sky, like the Sue French Collection Deep-Sky Wonders (which includes his own maps), Sky Atlas 2000.0 Companion by Strong and Sinnott, or the largest Guide to observing the night sky by Kepple and Sanner .

Can a computerized telescope replace cards? ] Not for beginners, I do not think, and not on mounts and tripods that are not of good mechanical quality (which means heavy and expensive). And as Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer say in their Backyard Astronomer's Guide "A full appreciation of the universe can come without developing the skills to find things in the sky and understand how the sky works by spending time under the stars with star charts in hand. "

The Roundup of the Planet

  March 10, 2018

The dust veil covering Mars s'. thinned a little before July 10, when Damian Peach image with the Chilescope of 1 meter at 8:24 UTC. The south is rising. "Various vague marks can be seen," he writes. "The dark spot of Oxus is clearly visible in the north." Look at the strange coloring and details on the South Polar Cape

  Jupiter on July 10, 2018

Earlier that night, Jupiter's Great Red Spot was just over the central meridian when Peach took this picture to 2: 42 UT. The red spot is now surrounded by a bright white material. "The equatorial zone looks very dark and yellow / orange," notes Peach. Have you ever seen it like this? South is up

  Saturn occulting the star HD168233 July 12, 2018

Another fishing peak, Saturn on July 12. The south is rising. Purely by chance, he picked up Saturn's blackout from the progressing HD 108233 star. It's barely inside the inner edge of the dark C ring. "I had no idea what was going on at that time."

Mercury is lost in the afterglow of sunset.

Venus (magnitude -4.2, in eastern Leo) shines twilight, a little lower each week. It is now turning around the end of twilight. In a telescope, Venus is a gibbous disc with 19 seconds of arc and 61% of sun.

March is the planet's "star" of the summer – and it comes up against the end of this week! It is a hearth fire that shines like nothing else in the night sky. At a magnitude of -2.7 or -2.8, it's a half-magnitude brighter than even Jupiter. And its color gives it an additional dramatic character.

Spot Mars appearing low in the southeast near the end of dusk. After dark, he climbs higher and moves south, a strange anomaly like no celestial object you normally see. Mars is the highest in the south, in the best telescopic view, around 1 am, although it is at a southern declination (-26 °) in southern Capricorn.

Mars is almost as close, the biggest and the brightest. It will retain its maximum size of 24.3 arc seconds for about a week around its closest approach on the night of July 30-31.

And good news for telescopic observers: The dust that covers the Martian globe begins to lighten up a bit, allowing weak and low-contrast views of some features of the dark surface. See anxious observers to see the dust settling in the approach of the March opposition

Can you identify any brands? Use our Mars Profiler for a map of Mars that shows which entities are facing the Earth on your date and time.

Jupiter (magnitude -2.2, in Libra) shines in the south-southwest at dusk. It is between Spica about 20 ° to his right or bottom right, and Scorpius' head about 20 ° to his left. Catch Jupiter with your reach at the end of the twilight before it goes down.

Saturn (magnitude +0.1, above the teapot of Sagittarius) shines yellow in the south after dark. It is about 30 ° to the right of Mars much brighter.

Uranus (magnitude 5.8, at the Aries-Pisces border) and Neptune (magnitude 7.8, in Aquarius) are well placed respectively to the southeast and south, in the hour before the first day of dawn. Search Graphs for Uranus and Neptune


All descriptions that relate to your horizon – including the words up, down, right and left – are written for the middle latitudes of the world. The descriptions that also depend on the longitude (mainly the positions of the moon) are for North America.

Daylight Saving Time (EDT) is UTC (UT, UTC, GMT or Z) minus 4 hours


"Remember to look at the stars and not at your feet, try to make sense of what you see and ask what makes the universe exist. – Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018


"The dangers of not thinking clearly are much greater than ever: it is not something new in our way of thinking, Is this gullible and confused thought "
– Carl Sagan, 1996


" The objective reality exists The facts are often determinable Vaccines save lives Carbon dioxide warms the globe Bacteria evolve to thwart antibiotics, because evolution, science and reason are not a political conspiracy.They are how we determine the facts.The survival of civilization depends on our ability and our willingness to to do. "
– Alan MacRobert, publisher of Sky at a Glance


" Facts Are Rebel Things. "
– John Adams, 1770

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