Tánaiste discusses Brexit with senior British politicians


Tánaiste and Foreign Minister Simon Coveney discussed the lack of progress in Brexit negotiations with British Chancellor Philip Hammond and Northern Ireland Secretary of State Karen Bradley

Brexit party spokesman Keir Starmer

The Tánaiste reaffirmed the position of the government and the European Union on the need to progress on the border, and the UK to legally respect the commitments made last December. This trip preceded a British cabinet meeting on Friday, during which new proposals for post-Brexit arrangements will be discussed.

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin's leader in Northern Ireland has stated that the British government's internal bargaining "only talks about the resolution of the border issue."

Michelle O'Neill said that any return of physical infrastructure at the border between N Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, after Brexit, would pose a threat to security and have "serious consequences" on business

She criticized the lack of progress in resolving the issue. "19659002] Speaking on the Today program of BBC Radio 4, she said:" I welcome the commitment to do not create a hard border on the island of Ireland; However, I have not yet seen a plan to prevent this from happening.

"I think it's the most disappointing thing to date in all Brexit negotiations."

Mrs. O. Neill said that the British government "Brexit is catastrophic for the island of Ireland, there is no doubt, "she said. Northern Ireland would see it stay in the single market and the customs union.

The pro-Brexit campaign group could have broken the rules of spending

The British Electoral Commission is preparing to leave the European Union is guilty of breaking the law elections in the 2016 referendum, according to the group's former chief executive.

Matthew Elliott, former managing director of Vote Leave, said that the Electoral Commission had concluded in a bill. But Mr Elliott told Sky News that the Electoral Commission had committed a "huge violation of natural justice" by only listening to "fantasies", alleging that the watchdog had not listened to the Vote Leave version. .

This follows the allegations of a former Vote Leave employee that the group donated £ 625,000 to another Brexit campaign group, Be Leave, that it was violating spending rules because the groups worked together. The initial conclusion was that we spent too much, that a donation we made to another group during the campaign was incorrect, we should not have made this donation, "said Elliott to Sky News

declaring that the voting leave had taken the "unusual step" of making public the results of its draft report.

"The Commission will take due account of the representations made", the Committee [HewillthenpublishacompleteanddetailedclosingreportinordertopresentacompleteandbalancedaccounttothepublicandParliament"

In the 2016 referendum, 17.4 million electors, or 51 , 9%, supported the departure the EU while 16.1 million voters, or 48.1%, supported their retention

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