Teenager (14) dies after the fall of Mallorca's balcony


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  • Teenager (14) dies after Mallorca's balcony has fallen


    An Irish teen who suffered a balcony crash on the second floor in a hotel in Mallorca died in the hospital. [19659004] https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/teen-14-dies-after-majorca-balcony-fall-37137256.html

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An Irish teenager who suffered a dip on the second floor of a Mallorcan hotel died in the hospital.

The 14-year-old died yesterday morning

His death occurred at the hospital Son Espases de Palma, the capital of the island.

Sources had stated shortly before the tragic news that he was in a "very bad way" in a pediatric intensive care unit

The youth, who was not officially appointed, was admitted to the hospital Son Espases earlier this week after his 20-foot dive of four-star Eix Lagotel in the seaside resort of Playa


Police is considered treating it as a bizarre accident

The hotel refused to make any comment.

Eix Lagotel describes itself on its website as "The perfect hotel for a family vacation."

He adds: "Its quiet location next to the S Albufera Nature Reserve, as well as its 400 square meters of gardens, make it the ideal place for your vacation." [19659004] Playa de Muro is a blue flag beach in northeastern Mallorca.

There are a number of abnormal accidents involving fatal falls in hotels in vacation destinations this summer.

The last death comes just a week after Seaneen McCullough, a nurse at Mater Hospital in Belfast, died in a suspicious balcony in Turkey.

It is thought that she plunged from her hotel while enjoying a vacation with her partner and son.

Last month, Jack Walsh (19 years old) of Co Limerick also died in a fall at the hotel.

He had traveled to Santa Ponsa Mallorca to join friends on vacation when the tragic accident occurred in the early hours of June 12.

Irish Independent

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