The darkness falls in America: after a week of horror, Trump refuses to admit any responsibility


Last week, bombs were fired at many of President Trump's most prominent enemies as part of the worst-ever attempt at mbad political badbadination in American history. Fortunately, none of them has exploded and the security forces have managed to catch the alleged perpetrator in a few days. It turns out he was a fanatical supporter of Donald Trump, which was embarrbading for many important figures on the right who had come to the conclusion that it was a "false flag" operation staged by leftists to spoil the president.

Then, the horrific mbad murder occurred in Pittsburgh on Saturday morning when an anti-Semitic and apparently white-and-white nationalist shot over a dozen people while they were there. prostrate themselves before their synagogue, killing 11 people. He would have shouted, "All Jews must die!" as he was crossing the building firing with his semi-automatic rifle.

That's where we are this Monday morning in America, most of us frightened by the overwhelming feeling of having entered a new phase of our politics and society. And it's dark, very dark.

The two events of last week are linked by a rise of white supremacism under the leadership of Donald Trump. Cesar Sayoc, the man they call MAGAbomber, was dazzled by the president's personality and let himself be carried away by Trump's fandom by absorbing all the hateful rhetoric and the group of "facts" alternative "which is broadcast daily by Trump TV and the man himself. Robert Bowers, the man who killed all those people in the Pittsburgh synagogue, is an old school anti-Semite who hinted that Trump was not hard enough towards the Jews, so that MAGA did not would never happen so long as he would not have seen the light.

The MAGAbomber clearly wanted to put into practice the words of Trump and Trump's media by terrorizing the people considered the enemy of the president. Among the Democrats, the media and Trump's critics he targeted was George Soros, the billionaire survivor and liberal funder, who is currently used in many Republican campaign ads as a global master puppeteer who pays the protesters and buys elections for Democrats. Senator Chuck Grbadley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, said that he thought Soros had paid women who came to Congress to put pressure on their representatives against Brett Kavanaugh.

The Republican most likely to succeed at home, Paul Ryan, has launched this beautiful message:

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted this tweet AFTER a bomb was sent to Soros. Until a few minutes ago, his profile was pinned.

– Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 24, 2018

Fox News is submerged by these thinly veiled anti-Semitic tropes for months, which probably explains why the US president started launching Soros / name to his fans in ecstasy. White supremacists have long used this "globalist" rhetoric against "nationalist"; Trump's former advisor, Steve Bannon, has pushed him into the Breitbart sphere in recent years. But it's only recently that Fox News has jumped on the bandwagon. With both feet:

2 / For those who do not know this world, "ZOG" is a staple of literature / white supremacy / neo-Nazi, etc. It means "a Zionist-occupied government," that is, a US government controlled by Jews. This guy knows exactly what lever he pulls when he uses that phrase.

– Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 27, 2018

Fox says he's no longer going to invite this guest. It's unclear what the network plans to do about Lou Dobbs, whom Trump apparently "cherishes".

Following Fox's initiative, Trump began to blame Soros and Democrats for the Central American "caravan" that had met earlier in the month for the 1,000-kilometer trek of the US border, saying they had given money to migrants. The president then insisted, without any evidence, that among these migrants were "citizens of the Middle East", which clearly meant that they could be terrorists.

That's what triggered Bowers, the Pittsburgh shooter. He was apparently very unhappy with the arrival of these refugees at the American border and thought that the caravan was sponsored by Jews who were bringing "invaders" to the United States to kill "his people". He therefore chose a synagogue badociated with a Jewish organization that helps refugees from around the world to resettle here as part of his bloody protest.

Trump is unhappy with all the violence perpetrated by his fans and fellow travelers, but not because it's a horrific descent into political violence for which his separatist rhetoric and outrageous tactics carry a lot of responsibility. He could barely stifle a few words of sympathy before rushing to greet his adoring fans. No, Trump is unhappy because these events have interfered with his closing campaign strategy of constantly demoralizing about immigration and degrading his political enemies with taunts and insults. He even seemed to give credence to the nonsense of the false flag at some point:

Republicans are doing very well in advance polls and polls. Now this "bombshell" affair is happening and the dynamics are slowing down dramatically – the news is not about politics. Very unfortunate, what happens. Republicans, go out and vote!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Trump did not allow this carnage to prevent him from continuing his campaign program, by organizing rallies and tweeting his usual childish nonsense while bombs were still being found. and that bodies had not been identified. Last week, we had a bit of a headache, winking at his crowd and saying he was "nice", but he was quick to come back. He did not mention the name of Soros, but at one event, voices in the crowd shouted with a song "shut up", which Trump found quite amusing.

The president is pushing hard as ever at the "border crisis" (which is not a crisis since the caravan is 1,000 miles from the border) – and now he's teasing something very exciting for his enraged crowd anti-immigrant.

Last Saturday, as a result of the horror in Pittsburgh, which was inspired by the hateful hatred of refugees now crossing Mexico in the hope of getting asylum in the United States , Trump said:

Trump at the border: "You're going to be so happy next week.You'll see something happen next week, you'll be very happy.You'll be very happy.And you know the army is going to the border ".

– Daniel Dale (@ddale8) October 27, 2018

He was referring to his planned announcement on Tuesday that he was going to "close the border" with a decree, probably inspired by his first "Muslim failure" and using "national security" as an excuse. This explains why this hard work is accompanied by the deep involvement of John Bolton, National Security Advisor. (Bolton does not generally seem to be interested in border immigration issues, he is more Islamophobic.)

The Daily Beast reports that this case of "sealing the border" is actually Bolton's baby, citing a White House official saying "John Bolton screams flames in the crowded movie theater that is troubling Trump". It seems that Bolton has attracted Trump's favors and extended his own power: to appeal to his prejudices and give him the tools to appeal to the prejudices of his followers.

The courts will undoubtedly be involved and anything that the administration will propose will likely be declared illegal and unconstitutional. It is mostly a campaign tactic to anger his base.

Apparently, Donald Trump does not understand, or just does not care, that last week's horrendous violence and terror is the direct result of what he did exactly. Will someone be shocked if it happens again?

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