The death of a six-year-old girl on a Scottish island is considered a murder


Police are dealing with the death of a six-year-old girl whose body was found in the woods on the island of Bute on Monday as murder, police confirmed.

In a press conference Tuesday evening, Police Scotland's post-mortem examination had confirmed that the body recovered was that of Alesha MacPhail. They issued a call for anyone involved in the search operation conducted on Monday to appear

"The Alesha family is completely devastated by what happened and the news that we we had to give them tonight, "Det said. Supt. Stuart Houston. "Alesha was a six-year-old girl who had started her summer vacation and came here to spend her holidays with her parents."

He confirmed at the press conference on the island that Police Scotland was treating his death as a murder. Earlier, police said additional police had been sent to the island to help with the investigation, as well as to rebadure the community.

Detective Houston said the police were trying to gather a chronology of the girl's disappearance. to everyone who had been in the Ardbeg Road area in Rothesay. He said that a forensic investigation had been held in the area where his body had been found, although police officers were still investigating the specific circumstances of his death.

The agent said that there were many tracks of investigation He left the house where she lived and the circumstances surrounding her death, without however giving more details. When asked if the police thought she had been asleep, she repeated that the police were following many lines of investigation.

Alesha was reported missing shortly before 6:30 am on Monday and her body was found about two and a half hours later.

Shortly after the discovery of his body, Detective Houston said, "This death of a six-year-old shocked the welded community of Rothesay and it is imperative that we discover what has happened. "- Guardian

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