The dinosaur fossil & # 39; Bigfoot & # 39; comes from the giant sauropod


A dinosaur fossil nicknamed "Bigfoot" – the largest single foot ever found – was finally identified 20 years after its discovery in the United States.

Scientists now know that it belonged to a brachiosaurus, one of the largest animals

The Brachiosaurs, one of the stars of the movie Jurbadic Park, belonged to the family of Sauropods – four-legged and long-necked plant eaters that were developing tremendously.

New research also shows that 150 million years ago, brachiosaurs were widespread in North America.

Photograph taken during the 1998 excavations showing brachiosaur bones under the bones of the tail of camarasaurus, another giant dinosaur (KUVP / PA)

Bigfoot was discovered in 1998 in rocky outcrops in the Black Hills area of ​​Wyoming, a rich source of bones and dinosaur skeletons.

Dr. Anthony Maltese, scientist of Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park, Colorado, said: "It was immediately apparent that the foot, nearly a meter wide, came from an extremely big, so that the specimen was nicknamed Bigfoot. "

The team used 3D scanning measurements to compare foot to similar fossils of many species of dinosaurs

To this day, it remains the largest dinosaur foot – and by extension the largest foot of any terrestrial animal – never discovered.

Co-author Dr. Emanuel Tschopp, "There are traces and other incomplete skeletons of Australia and Argentina that seem to come from even larger animals, but these skeletons gigantic were found without feet.

"This beast was clearly one of the largest that has ever walked in North America."

The study, published in the PeerJ newspaper, has showed that brachiosaurs inhabited a vast area extending from Utah to northwestern Wyoming 19659002] This was surprising since other sauropods of the same time had smaller geographical areas, said Researchers.

– Press Association

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