The Don and his Badfellas can not remain untouchable


I recently saw Robert De Niro at a party in New York and I approached him cautiously. I wanted a glimpse of the gangsters

What's an actor who has brilliantly portrayed gangsters made of a president who twice imitated a gangster?

De Niro, leaning against a wall and looking cool, took the question under advisement. I received my response three days later when he took the stage at the Tony Awards and offered a succinct obscenity aimed at the president.

Assets have often been compared to a mafia family. Certainly, at the White House, they created a dark alternate universe with an inverted ethical code, where the main value is loyalty to the godfather above all else.

An anti-Trump group called Mad Dog PAC has a billboard: "MAGA, gangsters rule America."

Now the treacherous airs get stronger and the long knives come out. Our clbad president tweets about Michael Cohen's taxi medal. After months of Trump distancing himself from Cohen, his ex-lawyer used the role of Sammy the Bull. Cohen secretly recorded an incriminating call with the Don with a staccato exchange on repaying a Playboy playmate – and a setting by Trump to someone for "Get me a Coke, please!"

As Michael Daly noted in The Daily Beast, "Traditionally, rats start to wear a wire after they get stuck."

Called Call

And as in The Untouchables, an accountant with glbades is now at the center of the action. In the recorded appeal, Cohen tells Trump that he spoke to Allen Weisselberg, a trusted butt trust fund manager and guest star, about how to create a company to pay back David Pecker, the National Owner. Enquirer, to buy Trump Goomah Karen McDougal. Federal investigators in Manhattan now want to question Weisselberg

"In the long run, this could be the most damaging," said Tim O. Brien, "because he enters the portfolio of Trump. "

CNN reported that Cohen Le Fixer claims that Trump knew about the Russian meeting during the campaign with his son and Paul Manafort. The president hit the mattresses on Twitter, denying everything.

This could be the ball game, says David Corn of Mother Jones, who wrote: "This ex-consigliere poses a triple threat to the godfather whom he served ruthlessly." 19659002] Since it is Trump, however, it is possible that there could be a twist. Rhona Graff, the Don's cape at Trump Tower, could come to sit at the back of the audience room and stare at Cohen until the wannabe wise guy suddenly gives up, Godfather style: "Look, the FBI guys have promised me an agreement.Therefore I invented a lot of things about Donald Trump because that's what they wanted." [19659008] Incredible Liar

Rudy Giuliani tumbled from a RICO attorney (Corrupt and Corrupted Organization) to a man acting as a mafia lawyer, telling Chris Cuomo that Cohen is an "unbelievable" liar. " when only three months ago he pronounced "an honest and honorable lawyer".

If the White House looks more and more like Goodfellas, it's not an accident.

"Trump has a cinematic sense," said O. Brien. Like many on social media, he is driven to be the star of his own movie. He even envisioned going to the Los Angeles Film School before settling in his father's company.

O & # 39; Brien remembered that Trump had told him that he thought Clint Eastwood was the biggest movie star. "He and Melania model their prints on Eastwood," the biographer noted. Trump also noticed, while they were watching Sunset Boulevard on the Trump plane, that a particular scene was incredible: one where Norma Desmond obsessively observes her silent films and cries: "Have they forgotten to what a star looks like, I'll show them! "

Trump is attracted to people who know how to dominate a play and exaggerate macho demonstrations, citing three of his top five films like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Goodfellas and The Godfather.

As a young real estate developer, he attended Yankee Stadium and studied the larger-than-life characters in the VIP box: George Steinbrenner, Lee Iacocca, Frank Sinatra, Roy Cohn, Rupert. Murdoch, Gary Grant. "In his first big apartment project, Trump's father had a partner related to the criminal families Genovese and Gambino," said Michael D & # 39; Antonio, another biographer of Trump. "He has been dealing with suppliers and unionists for decades.

"When Trump was a little boy, wandering in the yards with his father – which was the only time he'd spent with him – he saw a lot of things. guys with broken noses and rough accents. And I think he's really thrilled by the male demonstrations of strength. Think of Goodfellas – the people who win by cheating, mending and lying. Trump does not have the intelligence and basic experience to be competent in governance. His mastery is this kind of harbadment and chatter.


As Steve Bannon noted with approval, Trump has an air of Rat Pack, and as O & Brien said, Trump was the kind of guy who d & rsquo; In his office.

Trump is like a gangster, D'Antonio said, in the sense that he "does not believe that anyone is honest." He does not believe that your motives have anything to do with good and the evil and the public service.Everything is in the personal interest and a war of all against all.It turns America into Mulberry Street in the 20s, where you meet your co-conspirators at the same time. back of the candy store. "

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