The European Commission investigates whether Ryanair has received unlawful state aid


The European Commission investigates whether Ryanair has received illegal state aid from regional and local authorities in France

The news comes as the airline faces a possible strike by Irish pilots and to possible industrial troubles on other fronts. Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, said yesterday that Brussels was considering whether an agreement between Ryanair and the Association for the Promotion of Tourism and Economic Flows (APFTE) that the company was promoting the area around the city. Montpellier airport constituted illegal public aid. ] EU law prohibits State aid to companies when it distorts normal commercial competition and gives them an unfair advantage.

According to Ms. Vestager, Ryanair has received substantial payments from APFTE to promote Montpellier on its website. Association is an independent organization, not connected to the Montpellier airport, which is almost entirely funded by regio local and local public bodies. The commission declared having concluded "on a preliminary basis" that the French State had paid the agreement of the APFTE with Ryanair.

Economic Advantage

"We are going to check whether the regional and local authorities in France have granted an undue economic advantage to Ryanair over its competitors, potentially harming other European airlines and having repercussions on the airline industry. 39, other European regions, "said Ms Vestager:" All Ryanair airport arrangements fully comply with EU state aid rules and we are confident that the airline will be able to do so. EU will find our Montpellier agreement in line with EU state aid rules. "

The Montpellier airport is located in the French region of France. Occitan. About 1.9 million people traveled there in 2017.

Following a meeting organized by the International Transport Workers' Federation, the Ryanair crew yesterday issued a charter of claims covering salaries, lists , Contracts, Sickness Benefits

Earlier this week, directly employed members of the Irish Airline Pilots' Ryanair Association voted for a clbad action in a dispute d & # 39; seniority. They plan a one day strike on Thursday, July 12th.

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