The forage stakeholder group will meet again next week


  Fodder Stakeholder Group to Meet Next Week

A Representative Stakeholder Group Meeting to Coordinate Farmers' Advisory Messages This Summer on Fodder Rebuilding, to Meet Next Week .

The group was created by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Michael Creed, in order to "learn from last winter and plan the future" Next winter ".

Chaired by Teagasc, the group includes stakeholders such as cooperatives, banks and farm organizations – among other things, according to the minister.

All surplus stocks of fodder in the country were depleted last winter and spring. Following this, farmers have had to cope with drought conditions in recent weeks.

The current drought period has delayed the growth of grbades and farmers in some areas have been forced to graze soil that they would normally have closed for second cut silage. Some farmers also reported giving first cut silage to livestock to stretch sod reserves.

Commenting on the operation of the group, Minister Creed said, "I asked the group to provide advice and guidance for managing grazing, to ensure that forage is available to all farmers. .

This group will remain in place until I am satisfied that the issue of adequate forage supply for the coming winter has been fully addressed.

"The group met twice and I joined the second meeting of this group – telephone link to keep abad of its actions in favor of breeders affected by dry weather."

Towards the end of June, the Minister launched a national forage census – to be compiled by Teagasc through its network of customers as well as customers from other feed group stakeholders.

He also confirmed that another census is planned 1 September .

The purpose of the census is to monitor and measure forage levels in the country and will inform other actions that may be needed this fall, said Minister Creed.


In the meantime, the Minister noted that the detailed agronomic advice is "regularly coordinated and communicated" to farmers by the agencies represented in the forage group, as well as the department's social media accounts.

"In addition, Teagasc has set up a dedicated badistance line to advise farmers affected by the ongoing drought.

"This is complemented by a series of local meetings and clinics where farmers can get direct support from Teagasc's on-site counselors.

The line of badistance will work every day from 9:00 to 21:00. It is important to emphasize that this hotline and local clinics are open to all farmers, including non-Teagasc guests.

"Cooperatives and feed manufacturers have increased food production to meet the demand. Represented within the group, have announced a series of initiatives and are working closely with farmers-clients on effective financial planning to help them through the current difficult times, "concluded Minister Creed.

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