The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – The Battle Lines Are Traced: The Kavanaugh Confirmation Fight Begins


Welcome to The Hill Morning Report and good Tuesday! Our daily e-mail informs you of the most important developments in politics and politics, as well as trends to watch, co-created by Jonathan Easley and Alexis Simendinger.

President Trump Donald John TrumpMcConnell Will Meet Trump's Supreme Court Choice Tuesday Kavanaugh Offers Long Judicial Record Before Bitter Confirmation Battle Hundreds Protest Kavanaugh's Appointment To Supreme Court MORE appointed Judge of the District Court of Appeal of the District of Columbia Brett Kavanaugh, 53, to replace the outgoing Judge Anthony Kennedy on Monday, triggering a battle of confirmation of the l & # 39; election year in the Senate that could tip the Supreme Court in favor of the Conservatives for a generation.

Trump appeared reserved and thoughtful when he announced the appointment of Kavanaugh of the East House of the White House, where he noted that appointments to the Supreme Court are among the most solemn duties and the most of the President.

Then he began the business of politics.

"He deserves quick confirmation and strong bipartisan support." – Trump.

million. Kavanaugh has spent 12 years in the federal judiciary and has written nearly 300 opinions that he will have to defend when meeting with Senators at Capitol Hill as of today. His time at the White House was spent in the service of a "compbadionate conservative" president who came to Washington from the Republican Party's establishment wing and from a dynastic political family.

The effort to convince the hesitant Democrats that he is not a right-wing ideologue began in his acceptance speech, where Kavanaugh tried to prevent the liberal preoccupations that were ## 147 ## ################################################################################## 39 it could, if they were confirmed, put the nation back on decades civil rights.

Kavanaugh said the majority of the clerks he had hired were women. He described his mother, a former Attorney who was in the East Room, as a "pioneer" who taught in majority minority schools in Washington. His experiences in education taught him the importance of "equality for all Americans".

He expressed his pride and gratitude for being hired to teach at Harvard Law School by the liberal judge Elena Kagan at the time when she was dean. He also worked for Kennedy.

"I will keep an open mind in all cases." – Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh, flanked by his wife and two young daughters, is also shown as a well-rounded family man with deep ties to his friends, his faith and the community local.

A former boy from the altar, Kavanaugh is a Catholic and he spoke of how he always serves the poor alongside his long-time priest. He coaches his daughter's basketball team, where he received the nickname "Coach K." And Kavanaugh, who advised the former president George W. Bush remembers leaving the White House on 9/11 Ashley Estes, a young aide who became his wife. Both had their first dates only a few hours before the terrorist attacks.

Where are the Republicans?

Kavanaugh only needs a simple majority to be confirmed and with 51 Republicans in the Senate, his chances look good. [19659002]

But there are potential obstacles:

> Meaning. Susan Collins Susan Margaret Collins Donald Trump's Strategy: Uniting Around Health Care GOP Gatherings Around Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Choice Schumer: Senate Should Reject Kavanaugh's Appointment MORE ( R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski Lisa Ann Murkowski Donald Trump's Strategy: Uniting Around Health Care Schumer: Senate Should Reject Kavanaugh Trump's Appointment Brett Kavanaugh to Succeed Kennedy at Supreme Court MORE (R-Alaska): voted in 2006 to confirm Kavanaugh at the court of appeal. But that was a dozen years ago, for less seismic work. Collins and Murkowski support the rights to abortion. They will have to be convinced that Kavanaugh does not have the intention of overthrowing Roe v. Wade. Senators refused invitations from the White House to attend the event last night.

Leader of the Senate Minority Charles Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis Schumer Night Health Care: ObamaCare insurers sound the alarm after payments have been suspended | Trump calls Pfizer on drug prices | Maine House fails to fund Medicaid expansion Insurers scramble after Trump suspends billions in ObamaCare Hawley's payments seizes Supreme Court to hit McCaskill in TV's first commercial PLUS (DN.Y.) Pressed Kavanaugh during his 2006 confirmation hearing to explain his personal views about Roe, and Kavanaugh refused to answer. But he added:

"If confirmed to Circuit DC, I would follow Roe v. Wade faithfully and fully.This would be a binding precedent of the court.This was decided by the Supreme Court."

> Sen. Rand Paul Randal (Rand) Howard PaulPaul Promises "An Open Mind" at Kavanaugh GOP Gatherings Around Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Selection Red-state Dems Deny Invitation to Trump Supreme Court MORE (R-Ky.): Paul expressed concerns that Kavanaugh once wrote that the government's metadata communications collection practices do not violate the fourth amendment of the constitution. Paul disagrees vehemently and declined an invitation to attend the event last night, but promised to keep an open mind.

The Hill: The GOP rallies around Kavanaugh as mediator of the Supreme Court.

Where are the Democrats?

Those who are not in place for reelection this year have an easy life. They have the room to oppose Kavanaugh and demand that all their colleagues follow suit. The rhetoric of Democrats in opposing Trump 's candidate will look disastrous. For example:

"Roe v. Wade could be overthrown and abortion and forms of contraception criminalized." Americans with pre-existing conditions could lose vital health care. Marriage could be reversed.Role inequality and blatant suppression of voters could be further adopted by the country's highest court. " – Sen. Jeff Merkley Jeffrey (Jeff) Alan MerkleyDes Hundreds of protesters name Kavanaugh in Supreme Court, court choice shows he is "terrified by Robert Mueller's night defense": House adopts defense spending bill 5B | Pentagon advances on Trump | Mattis military parade vests "armored" support for South Korean defense MORE (D-Ore.)

The Hill: Democratic presidential candidates of 2020 fight against Kavanaugh. [19659005] The real question: what will be the decisions of 10 Red Democrats in the Senate who will be re-elected this year? Nobody has leaned his hand, but the pressure is huge. The price of a vote of one way or another on Kavanaugh could be a reelection.

Three Democrat Senators – Joe Manchin Joseph (Joe) ManchinMcConnell Meet the Trump Supreme Court's Choice Tuesday Launch of the Conservative Group .4M 'Confirm Kavanaugh & # 39; Strategy Strategy Dems on Trump: Unifying Around Health Care PLUS [19659007] (W.Va.), Joe Donnelly Joseph (Joe) Simon DonnellyMcConnell to Meet Trump's Supreme Court Choice Tuesday The Group Conservative Launches Campaign .4M 'Confirm Kavanaugh & # 39; Dems Strategy on Trump: Unifying around Health [PLUS] (Ind.) And Heidi Heitkamp Mary (Heidi) Kathryn HeitkampMcConnell will meet Trump's Supreme Court election on Tuesday. Conservative group launches .4M campaign 'Confirm Kavanaugh & # 39; Dems Strategy on Trump: Unifying Around Health Care PLUS (ND) – voted for the first choice of Trump Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch .

Gorsuch was a conservative justice replacing a conservative justice. It will be much harder for Democrats to vote for conservative justice replacing a swing-vote justice. Manchin, Donnelly and Heitkamp refused the White House invitations to attend last night's event.

The Hill: Dem strategy on Kavanaugh will be to unite around health care.

What now?

Money is already flowing for what will certainly be the most expensive Supreme Court confirmation battle in history.

The Wall Street Journal: Expenditures of outside groups for the confirmation battle have already begun.

The goal of the president: Kavanaugh's confirmation in mid-September. The Supreme Court begins a new mandate in early October. And voters decide whether Republicans retain their majority in the House and Senate in four months.

Analysis from the Web

The Wall Street Journal: Kavanaugh, in his own words.

The Washington Post: Kavanaugh is "an obstinate"

The Washington Post's Analysis: Chief Justice John Roberts now becomes the median justice on the ground.

The New York Times: Kavanaugh is a conservative pillar in politics.

The New York Times: How Kavanaugh's Ideology Compares to Other Judges (chart)

The Associated Press: Trump modeled the justice system for 18 months, to last a generation.

Richard Wolf: Kavanaugh Out of the Central Cast

Lori Ringhand and Paul M. Collins Jr .: Answer Questions from the Senate, Judge Kavanaugh [19659060] Akhil Reed Amar: A Liberal Case for Kavanaugh

Matthew Yglesias: Kavanaugh is a normal Republican and a risk to democracy.

Ruth Marcus: "Political Suicide" for Red Democrats to Oppose Kavanaugh


*** ALERT *** The former personal advocate of President Trump Michael Cohen has a new lawyer , Lanny Davis who was special advisor to the former president Clinton and occasional advisor to the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Councilor Ex-Clinton: Trump aiming to "take right" Never Trumpers courts do not represent Republic can base NY Times editor: We should have done "fewer" stories from Dershowitz PLUS . Davis fired a public warning shot at Trump yesterday … an interesting development that the federal inquiry into Cohen's private affairs is taking place in New York. Cohen has not been charged with a crime … Full Disclosure: Davis is a contributor of opinion with The Hill.

INTERNATIONAL: The Brexit troubles erupted on the front page of the government crisis in England …

United Kingdom – Brexit : A few days before Trump meets with NATO partners in Brussels and with Prime Minister Theresa May in London, the British government turns into a Brexit crisis. Secretary Boris Johnson resigned and Jeremy Hunt was appointed to succeed him on Monday (The Associated Press). Johnson's letter of resignation accuses May of flying "white flags" of capitulation in negotiations with the EU. A hard-won consensus by the UK government on future trade ties with the EU has collapsed less than three days after its creation, and nine months before Britain leaves the UK. ; EU.

> Politics changed in May's divorce plan with the EU (Financial Times).

> Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump Melania TrumpFEC Rejects the Complaint alleging that Trump Org has made the contribution of the Donald Trump Campaign 12:30 pm Hill Report illegal Morning – Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance – Anticipation built for the choice of Trump SCOTUS PLUS to arrive in England Thursday afternoon. They will be celebrated at a dinner outside of London that evening, they will meet later Queen Elizabeth II and will also travel to Scotland.

North Korea: The Hill: The Trump administration struggles to move forward in negotiations with North Korea after the state secretary Mike Pompeo Michael (Mike) Richard Pompeo: Trump plays down the comments of North Korean gangsters, blames China | Pompeo backs Taliban peace talks in surprise visit | Pompeo backs Taliban peace talks during a surprise visit to Afghanistan Trump: China could exert a "negative pressure" on North Korea's rocky visit to Pyongyang last week

The President called the document that he signed in June with Kim Jong Un "a contract" and said that he "trusted" that North Korea will honor the non-built agreement . But he also said once again that China could have a negative influence on the conclusion of a denuclearization agreement with North Korea.

Afghanistan: Pompeo escaped to Afghanistan on Monday for a surprise visit to Kabul, his first secretary (The Hill). He supported the pressure of President Ashraf Ghani to begin peace talks with the Taliban (Reuters). Pompeo traveled through Asian countries and will travel to Europe to join the president at the NATO summit.


ADMINISTRATION: The crisis of immigration policy triggered by the separation of the administration of children from parents to the South border seized the White House, Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Social Services throughout June. Now he dominates in July as the government tries to reverse the much criticized effects of politics.

Immigration – Reuniting Families : Federal Judge Rejects Trump's Application Made In June for Long-Term Detention of Immigrant Children (Reuters). … Separately, the Trump administration told a federal judge on Monday that the government would not respect the deadline set by the court to reunite all children aged 4 and under who were separated from their parents at home. the US-Mexico border in recent weeks. result of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, now stopped. The judge said progress had been made, and that he was planning another hearing this morning, reports the Washington Post.

> More than 50 immigrant children under the age of 5 will be reunited with their parents by the deadline set by the Trump Court for Action, and families will be released the United States. It's only about half of the hundred or so toddlers covered by the judge's order (The Associated Press).

Trump – Drug Prices: The Hill: Trump tweets (again) that if pharmaceutical companies lower their high prices, the United States will react. The President's anger towards Pfizer and other manufacturers remains clearer than his political solutions.

HHS – Federal Payments to Insurers: The Hill: The recent brutal suspension of billions of dollars in at-risk payments by ObamaCare insurers by the Trump administration has triggered a rush among companies as well as congressmen from both parties.



Jim Jordan James (Jim) Daniel JordanScalise "confident" that Jordan "would stand up for his athletes" Allies seek to defend Jim Jordan from Ohio State conservative writer Jim Jordan's claims: "It's important not to hold the people 20 years ago, according to the criteria of today "MORE (R-Ohio), which plans to become the next leader of the GOP in the House, is fighting against allegations that a fellow coach at Ohio State University was badually attacking student-athletes between 1987 and 1995 but did nothing to stop him.

Jordan hired a prominent conservative public relations firm, Shirley & Banister, who issued a statement Monday of six former wrestling coaches who stated that Jordan had no knowledge that Dr. Richard Strauss was molesting or badually badaulting OSU wrestlers.

Scott Wong The Hill interviewed the former coach of Ohio State University Russ Hellickson :

"I am frankly furious at what they do to Jim Jordan.It is the hysteria and politics that run the narrative. [Jordan] gave his heart and soul to the personal development of these athletes. " they attack it, why do not they attack the 30 or 40 other coaches of the OSU? " – Hellickson

Seven former wrestlers of the OSU have publicly declared Jordan Knows or Should Know

The Hill: The Allies Defend Jordan Against the Claims of the Ohio State

> Liberal Star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the self-proclaimed democratic socialist who recently beat No. 4 Democrat in the House, arrives in Washington, DC next week. Sio-Cortez plans to meet lawmakers, outside groups and supporters on his first trip to Capitol Hill since the stunning political world by beating Rep. Joseph Crowley (DN.Y.) at a primary election.

> Many Regarded Crowley as a House Minor Leader Nancy Pelosi Patricia Nancy D'Alesandro Pe The LosiEx-Sanders Campaign Animator claims Barbara Lee as possible Replacement of Pelosi Beyond the enthusiasm, the "Resistance" of 2018 is not the 2010 Tea Party Clash threatens the financing of ICE MORE (D-Calif.) eventual successor. His defeat sped up a debate on the left about whether Democrats need new blood in leadership positions.

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Pelosi spoke of two potential new democratic leaders, Reps. Tim Ryan Timothy (Tim) John RyanGeneration gap widens Lawmakers take the battle for immigration to the Moulton Seth Moulton Seth Wilbur MoultonDem gap Generation Expands The Hill's Morning Report – Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance – Expensive and Brutal: Inside the Supreme Court Fighting in Advance Moulton Seeking to Recruit a New Generation of Democracy Leaders, MORE (D-Mbad.), and by comparison tried to describe the high esteem she says she held in her lecture:

RS : Let's look forward to the contest of speakers who will follow the election. What are you doing with Tim Ryans or Seth Moulton who have called for a new generation of leadership?

Pelosi : Without consequence. They do not have a follow-up in our caucus. Any.

RS : Is frustrated with ambition on their part?

Pelosi : I do not know. I think there are a lot of people who have worked very hard and who are more in tune with what will happen one of those times. But they should not be considered [among] who these people would be. I mean, there are people who are working very hard to win the elections, who have been involved in legislative battles. People who have paid their dues. Do not put anyone. Everyone is consequent. But I have a lot of support in my caucus. I do not worry about that. And I'm certainly not worried about them.

> Democrat candidates in the Senate break with progressives who call for the abolition of immigration and customs (ICE). Several potential presidential candidates in 2020 are calling for the abolition of ICE, but Senate Democrats, who are participating in tight races this year, are stopping to try to attract voters of their country (The Hill).

> The Congress seeks to prohibit the use by the government of video surveillance equipment of two of the world's largest manufacturers because of their Chinese ownership. There is growing concern that the products may be used for espionage (The Hill).

More Capitol Hill … Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo (D) signed a decree to protect abortion and contraception in his state a few hours before Trump chose Kavanaugh ( The Hill ) … Republican Mike Gallagher Michael (Mike) John GallagherOn Money – Sponsored by Prudential – Trump suggests that China relieves pressure on North Korea due to the commercial fight | Mulvaney is number two in the consumer bureau | Republican House to offer a bill to reduce the commercial powers of Trump GOP representative to introduce a bill to reduce the commercial powers of Trump Overnight Defense: House pbades the bill of defense spending 5B | Pentagon advances on Trump military parade | Mattis vows "armored" support to South Korean defense MORE (Wisconsin) introduced a bill that would restrict the president's commercial powers The Hill ) … Whip Minority House ] Steny Hoyer [19659213] Steny Hamilton HoyerThe Hill's 12:30 Hoyer Report Hospitalized After A Diagnosis Of Pneumonia The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Sponsored By Better Medicare Alliance – Protests And Anger: Washington In The Elections Torment near MORE (D-Md.) was discharged from the hospital and will return to work after being treated for pneumonia ( Roll Call ).

CAMPAIGNS: In the run-up to the 2020 presidential race, Amie Parnes The Hill & # 39; s examines whether Senator Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Ann WarrenHundreds Protest Kavanaugh's Appointment Outside the Supreme Court The Bishop of Montana Calls Priests Who Attended the Trump Rally wearing clerical clothing Dem Pollster: This is the election "Me Too, Women's March" (D-Mbad.) Can Win Blue Collar Midwestern and Rust Belt voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, states that helped deliver the White House to Trump in 2016 (The Hill ).

More of the Election Campaign … The Florida Puerto Ricans will play a key role in the Senate race this year, as the two candidates vie for one of the country's most flourishing Hispanic groups. State of the Sun () The Hill ) … the Governor of Florida Rick Scott (R), who seeks to overthrow the Senator Bill Nelson [19659144] Clarence (Bill) William NelsonRick Scott for the 2018 Electoral Cycle Senate Committee Announces Hearing on Computer Chip Faults GOP MP "Indignant" at being denied entry to MORE Children's Shelter [19659004] (D-Fla.) Just published the largest fundraiser of the 2018 cycle 19659205] The Hill )

The Morning Report is created by journalists Jonathan Easley jeasley @ thehill. com & Alexis Simendinger asimendinger @ thehill .com [19659235]. Suggestions? Advice? We want to hear from you! Share the newsletters and newsletters of The Hill, and encourage others to SUBSCRIBE


Democrats ignore the left at their peril and Perils by Carlos Ramirez-Rosa Alderman of the Chicago City Council for NBC News.

Never-Trumpers do not represent the Republican base by Ned Ryun opinion collaborator with The Hill.


The House meets at noon.

The Senate begins its work at 10 am and considers several judicial and executive appointments. The Veterans Committee will vote on the appointment of Robert Wilkie as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

The President and the First Lady leave for Brussels this morning to attend the annual NATO summit. Thursday, The Trumps will be in the UK.

The Vice-President meets this morning on Capitol Hill with Senator McConnell and Candidate Kavanaugh. Later, Pence participates in a political fundraiser at the Trump International Hotel in Washington. He will also attend the Senate GOP's political luncheon at 1:25 pm on the Capitol. Returning to the White House, he will meet in his office with the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich at 3:30 pm

Secretary Pompeo made a surprise trip on Monday in Afghanistan. Today, he meets with staff and families of the United States Embbady in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Later, the secretary meets the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi [19659071] ELSEWHERE

> At least three states this year include voting measures that would legalize marijuana while supporters and opponents will face throws borrowed from d & # 39, other battlefields. Proponents of legalization argue that loosening the rules will lead to social justice, while opponents point to potential risks for minors (The Hill).

> In Thailand, a third operation is under way today to rescue the remaining four boys and their 25-year-old coach from flooded caves (The Associated Press). A total of 10 of 12 youths were saved at 6:30 am EDT (The Guardian). The efforts of today involved 19 divers.

> Two tropical weather systems run near US shores, with remnants of the former hurricane Beryl threatening to bring in pluies diluviennes à Puerto Rico et le Iles Vierges et La tempête tropicale Chris se cache au large des côtes de la Caroline. Dans les Caraïbes, le système sera le premier test pour Porto Rico et les îles Vierges alors qu'ils continuent de se battre pour se remettre des tempêtes dévastatrices de l'année dernière (USA Today).

> Demi-finale de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA aujourd'hui 14h, France contre Belgique, à Saint-Pétersbourg, en Russie, présentera un choc des styles (BBC).

THE CLOSER Et enfin … Avant que Washington plonge dans un drame de confirmation de la Cour Suprême qui se jouera au fil des mois, que diriez-vous de mots de sagesse judiciaires sans ordre particulier:

" Le juge qui aime toujours les résultats qu'il atteint est un mauvais juge ." – Antonin Scalia 2013

" La notion que nous avoir toute la démocratie que l'argent peut acheter s'éloigne si loin de ce que notre démocratie est censée être . "- ​​ Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2014

" Ne vous concentrez pas tout le pouvoir en un seul endroit … Vous ne voulez pas tout le pouvoir du gouvernement par opposition au peuple Vous ne voulez pas tout le pouvoir au gouvernement fédéral posé aux États . " – William Rehnquist 1985

" Vous avez des citoyens qui ne comprennent pas comment le gouvernement fonctionne, et ils sont un peu aigri à ce sujet. Tout ce qu'ils font, c'est critiquer. Ils n'ont aucune idée qu'ils peuvent faire bouger les choses. En tant que citoyen, vous devez savoir comment en faire partie, comment vous exprimer – et pas seulement en votant . " – [19659174]Sandra Day O'Connor 2012 [19659002]

" Les gouvernements tirent leur pouvoir de nombreuses sources – l'armée ou la police sont des instruments de pouvoir et peuvent, à court terme, appliquer les directives du gouvernement contre un peuple qui ne veut pas. Mais l'autorité est une question différente – et aucun gouvernement ne peut gouverner longtemps, ou bien, sans l'autorité qui vient d'un consensus partagé parmi les gouvernés. Ils doivent croire que le leur est un gouvernement légitime, légitime et juste . » Thurgood Marshall 1978

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