The islands are disappearing all over the world. But a new one is formed from Kilauea Volcano of Hawaii.


A small new world has materialized on the shores of the Big Island of Hawaii. The 20 by 30 foot span is a geologic tabula rasa, untouched and different from anywhere else on the earth.

The island emerged Thursday from lava flowing from a new crack that opened on Kilauea volcano in Hawaii in May, according to the United States Geological Survey. The agency said the pressure under the water forced the lava flowing northeast to vent to the surface. An observatory of the Hawaiian volcano noticed the mbad during a flight Friday morning

One of the most active volcanoes in the world, Kilauea has erupted almost continuously for 35 years and with great intensity in recent months . In June, the melted rock smothered a neighborhood called Vacationland. And on Monday, a lava bomb the size of a basketball hit the roof of a tourist boat, injuring more than 20 people

The cascade of rashes and tremors Earth marks increased volcanic activity in recent months. Two vents – rooms that allow the lava to escape – have gone extinct, causing the dripping of a lava lake at the top of the volcano, said Michael Garcia, a volcanologist at Manoa Campus of The University of Hawaii in Honolulu. phase of eruptions began in 1983. "So now we have at the top a series of daily explosions.Every day.Boom.Boom.C is a gradual collapse of the summit."

The lava fueling these chimneys has expired, Garcia said, and is now fueling a vent in the Leilani Estates subdivision near the southeast end of Hawaii. New cracks in the earth emit streams of molten rock, forcing evacuations as fire engulfs homes in the rural district where the property is relatively cheap but life is dangerous. About 700 homes have been destroyed since May, according to the Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

But material damage is not the only consequence of eruptions. Volcanic activity can lead to the structural transformation of oceanic islands like Hawaii and Tahiti, says Garcia.

Around the world, other causes of islet formation include erosion and glacial retreat. Shelly Island, a crescent-shaped sandbar, began forming in the spring of 2017 in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but disappeared in early 2018. Uunartoq Qeqertaq, Greenland for "The Very Hot Island", s & Was detached from Greenland in 2005.

The question of whether the tiny new mbad of the Hawaiian coat survives is an open question, according to scientists. The crucial factors are the length of the new eruptions and the type of surface that is taking shape – hard lava, which will probably last long enough to invite colonization of plants and animals, or ashes more susceptible to erosion [19659009]. we can expect the unexpected, "said Garcia." If the most recent eruption came to a halt in the near future, the island would erode. But if the eruption continues and the bay fills, it is likely that the shoreline could move to this island and you could have an extensive coastline. "

If the island were to survive, it would be an opportunity to study how the new area life – a blank slate that would be a chance for earth scientists to ask new questions about the land we occupy, or not. "How does life happen in new places and is it developing?" said Mr. Garcia, considering the research opportunities that could be expected. "It's a wonderful mystery and we are always challenged to fully appreciate."

He moderates his expectations: "It's very likely that he will not survive long enough to supporting life and seeing it change We had a lot in Japan – a volcano erupts, forming a new island, and before long it's gone. "

The new islands are becoming rarer in an era of rising levels of the sea, said Alastair Bonnett, professor of social geography at Newca University stle in Britain and the author of "Off the Map: Lost Spaces, Invisible Cities, Forgotten Islands, Wild Places and What They Tell Us About the World."

They disappear, do not come to life. The phenomenon of the disappearance of the islands is so pronounced that it forms the basis of a special tourist field. The Jetsetter website announces "8 islands to visit before they disappear." Mother Jones asks if Tuvalu, a Polynesian island nation composed of coral atolls reminiscent of Gauguin's paintings of the South Seas, "becomes a modern Atlantis?"

There is no lack of new islands to replace those that disappear, but a number of newcomers are artificial, like Deira Island off Dubai or a fleet artificial islands hosting Chinese military equipment in South China. The sea.

Far from being artificial, the new island of Hawaii has surprised everyone. It does not even have a name. And Hawaii authorities said this week that there were indications that the island was already becoming a peninsula, attaching itself to the main island, according to Hawaii News Now.

Crack 8 is the provisional name of the vent that discharges the lava forming the new land mbad. A member of the Hawaii County Council this month presented a resolution asking the State Council on Geographical Names to "consult with community members who have traditional, cultural and family ties with the community." Puna district. "

Bonnett said the new volcanic islands are remarkable not only because" they are spectacular but also because they are not at all common. "About three quarters of the molten magma comes from from the sea, but it takes a lot to make it an island. "

" The new islands bring a kind of hope and a fresh start, "Bonnett said. "The new islands disrupt our sense of ordered geography, which is why they fascinate us, even the small ones. We can hardly believe that the earth can be created right before our eyes – it feels like a kind of magic. We remain attached to the notion – despite all the evidence to the contrary – that our planet is a motionless mbad. "

It's not" a coincidence, "Bonnett says, that Thomas More chose an island as part of his sociopolitical satire of 1516" Utopia, "which coined the term for a place in which everything is Neologism is based on Greek to -pospositions, meaning "no place or nowhere," and eu-topos, meaning "good place." This denotes an unfinished, ideal project – perhaps inaccessible , but maybe not addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {});
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