The main runway at Cork Airport reopens after the private jet has suffered a gust


Update 8pm: The main runway at Cork Airport reopened after a previous incident.

Cork airport emergency services on the scene where a runway 16 aircraft exploded before departing from Cork Airport. Daragh Mc Sweeney Peak / Provision

A steering plane suffers a train break before departure

Tonight, the airport says that operations have returned to normal.

Pbadengers are advised to check with their airlines for their theft.

The main runway @CorkAirport was reopened after a previous incident with a jet plane that shattered a front wheel before taking off. Please check the status of the flight with your airline. We apologize for the obvious inconvenience this has caused to our pbadengers this afternoon.

– Cork Airport (@CorkAirport) July 22, 2018

Earlier: Delayed flights to Cork Airport after the jet Private suffered a gust on the main runway [19659004] There are flight delays at Cork airport after the burst of the nose wheel of an executive jet on the runway.

A crane is sent to remove the plane.

No injuries were reported.

Airport pbadengers are told that all flights will be delayed for at least two hours

It is advisable for pbadengers to check the status of their flights with the airline.

[19659004] – Digital Desktop

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