The mask seems to slip from our Tiny Thatcher Leo Varadkar


In March, the government announced that it was ending the controversial Strategic Communications Unit in July 1969.

The Taoiseach's flash-filming unit had heavily promoted Brand Leo in his videos and spent taxpayer money on social networks. famous superstars Bono and Mary with Leo "src =" "width = "327" height = "310" />

The world's famous superstars Bono and Mary with Leo

Varadkar's advisers warned that it would be considered a "vanity project." [19659002] It was directed by John Concannon the traditional press often sought to bypbad the Taoiseach.

Thus, as promised, Leo's rotation unit was closed .What was it?

The glitzy launch of the Irish candidacy for a seat on the UN Security Council had aspects strangely similar to those of the SCU

The media were offered sweeteners launch, with promises to cover the costs of housing journalists traveling to New York.

And the man in charge of the offer is John Concann on

As ever the centerpiece was a five-minute video. Despite the presence of a star cast of Bono, Mary Robinson and Michael D Higgins, the person who appears a lot is. . . Leo Varadkar

He is the first person to appear in the frame during the smooth film, and the last one.

  Marketing Guru John Concannon


Marketing Guru John Concannon

(caring, fresh and modern), it appears a THIRD TIME – more than anybody else. ;other.

If the bid was supposed to focus on the brave record of the Irish defense forces in peacekeeping, you could not see it. The first soldier appears only two and a half minutes later, after hearing Leo. . . two times.

It's broad, subjective, and of course mawkish. The UN offer gives the impression that the Strategic Communications Unit still exists, but is just calling something else now.

As sure as Marathon became Snickers and Fás became Solas, it seems that the SCU is now the United Nations UNSCU-Security Council In fact, they were so suspicious that such a campaign focused on the Lion was likely to be considered another vanity project, the Taoiseach literally said "there is no vanity here, these are serious things" in his speech to the UN .

The launch was a success, but the Taoiseach could not help adding another mark of its appearances on the world stage – an embarrbading blunder.

His comments to a private audience where he expressed his support for Donald Trump's attacks on the free press took the burst of the trip to New York. He arrived when he ruined his trip to the United States in March as well.

Things on socks and love, in fact were cringey yet harmless, but this week's blunder in America is more serious as it calls its judgment in

Leo would have been impressed by his enlightening comments revealed by the Irish Times, the most important symbol of old world journalism that Taoiseach tries to get around using social media.

Our Tiny Thatcher Taoiseach is still a toddler on the world stage and it becomes thorny when he is brought back to Earth to explain his last bad home

In his pages, Miriam Lord deconstructs so Expert Leo's fashionable image that is so accepted by the youngest political hacks. This must drive him crazy.

The explosion does not make much sense when one thinks of how Leo was invented by the media after being tirelessly courted for years as a young TD

How can a Taoiseach possibly he cite trivial details? weekend trips to Sunday Independent's luvvie showbiz, complain about media interest in gossip with an impbadive face?

His tested response in the Dail revealed as much about his temperament and ideology as the excerpts themselves. The Teesh is desperate to be considered cool, modern, and liberal.

So, he does not prefer any examination or criticism that reveals something that contradicts this mark. It is important to note that his apology did not include a retraction from his central point of view that journalism is not interested in the truth but in history.

It is true that the media do not examine A leader so obsessed with turning a particular image of himself seeks to undermine faith in journalism.

The Taoiseach self seems to inflate when placed on the same pedestal as other global figures. ] Bono, Michael D and Mary Robinson have decades of experience and achievements to their credit, while Leo did not even become Taoiseach while fighting for a general election.

Our Tiny Thatcher Taoiseach is still a child on the world stage. thorny when he is brought back to Earth to explain his last bad at home. Back to this video of the UN auction. One of the unmistakable elements of swarming is the way it erases Taoiseach's questionable record on immigration.

In the midst of sad pictures of your poor, tired and hungry people abroad, you would think that Leo was determined to save them all.

Viewers could not guess how Leo, the son of an immigrant, took on importance in issuing dubious opinions about immigration, not to mention his recent disregard for the badisted and his carefree comments on homelessness. the message on how Ireland will take care of unhappy aliens as long as they will not come here?

There is no mention of how Ireland limits refugees to direct supply centers. No mention of the false neutrality of Ireland, the US military using a civilian airport without control.

Or how Leo's own MPs are campaigning to end neutrality and heading for an EU army

Hungarian Right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Leo was furious when he had to close his beloved swarm unit after the journalists' investigations. It was one of the few initiatives that he had since he became Taoiseach. Has he ever forgiven?

Maybe his answer just got started. The first act was to partially restore the SCU with a different purpose and name but with the same guru in charge

The next could be a plan to undermine confidence in the press? The mask is slippery

Spotless Prez is a certified shoo-in

  President Michael D Higgins

President Michael D Higgins

This week, President Higgins will stress his intention to seek a second term.

Michael D is an irresistible force and will be the first president to face the elections since the Dev more than 50 years ago.

He simply can not lose. In fact, no president in office can lose, given the pitfalls and treatment of the office, which gives it an automatic popularity and shield.

Most media, especially RTE, give the president a speaking time and gentle treatment. He has never been the subject of a one-to-one interview for the duration of his term.

Questions about his intention to break his promise to serve only one term were almost preceded by excuses.

Mocking the president is also a challenge.

Macaws and their huge operating costs are exempted from freedom of information and the President's salary and expenses are protected against cuts by the Constitution.

Michael D is therefore very popular simply because he is protected from the kind of examination that could alter the public image of him.

Anyone who seeks to use his campaign to question his expenses or opinions will likely be considered cruel and

The contest is therefore likely to attract candidates seeking to raise their profile rather than to win.

And up to here, those who threw their name in the hat were figures with few achievements in their name. Gentle Brexit border reprieve

  British Prime Minister Theresa May


British Prime Minister Theresa May

THERESA May got approval from her troublesome cabinet to look for a mild Brexit.

It is by no means the end of the crisis as the conservative party's supporters prepare for a summer of discontent aimed at causing enough upheaval to provoke a "no agreement" exit.

Our main concerns seemed to be resolved. food and goods. This would mean that there would be no impact on our agri-food exports and no hard borders.

Last week, I traveled between Switzerland and France, the latter being a state of the EU and the first outside the bloc

. the device of a hard border remains and the checks are made intermittently. The structure is a kind of large toll booth, with gates and waiting areas. During my trip, the vehicles crawl unimpeded, but the facility is still maintained and modernized.

Swiss customs officers monitor the traffic and engage in controls where they deduce risks.

Although the border is considered a model for Ireland, it is not very different from the device that we deconstructed after the peace process.

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The mourners at the burial of Joe O 'Callaghan murder c Then came Germany announcing that Angela Merkel had agreed to set up "transit centers" along her borders for asylum seekers to stay in power

. Germany and its neighbors in the EU, leaving us in the expectation of the Irish border?

If Germany is determined to end the most obvious symbol of European unity, avoiding a difficult North-South border may not be so sacred.

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