The merger of Metro-MRTS may be an expensive affair – TAMIL NADU


The Chennai Subway / Rapid Transit System (MRTS) merger project aims to provide users with a better travel experience, but risks being an expensive affair for the Government of Canada. 39; State. as a consultant to prepare a report for this merger, made a presentation to the state government Wednesday, outlining recommendations and possible implications.

According to senior sources, the merger will mean that the commuters of the MRTS will be traveling in and the chic Metro Rail trains. "So it can cost about Rs 3.000 crore to change the trains and other facilities needed to bring the merger in. But we still have no timetable on when this merger will take place. will have another round of meetings soon, "said one source.

The next step in this merger will be the preparation of a detailed project report on how to implement this project

. together, then a commuter from MRTS may have to shell out more for his trip. "Since air-conditioned trains and other better services will be provided, fares are likely to be increased.But there is no clear picture on how much l & # 39; The increase will be at this stage, "he added.

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