The moon of Saturn indicates the possibility of life – AT SCHOOL


: Scientists have discovered that large, carbon-rich organic molecules are ejected from fissures in the icy surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus, indicating that it meets all the basic requirements of life.

Spaceships, think that the chemical reactions between the moon's rocky core and the warm water of its underground ocean are linked to these complex molecules.

"We are, once again, carried away by Enceladus. Previously, we had identified only the simplest organic molecules containing a few carbon atoms, but even that was very intriguing, "said Christopher Glein, a space scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in the United States. United States

with mbades greater than 200 atomic mbad units. "With complex organic molecules emanating from its ocean of liquid water, this moon is the only body outside the Earth known to simultaneously satisfy all fundamental requirements of life as we know it. "Hydrogen provides a source of chemical energy that supports the microbes that live in the Earth's oceans near hydrothermal vents," said Hunter Waite, of the Southwest Research Institute

. "" A future Spacecraft could fly through the plume of Enceladus, and badyze these complex organic molecules using a high-resolution mbad spectrometer to help us determine how they were made, "he said. [19659002] "We must be cautious, but it is exciting to think that this discovery indicates that the biological synthesis of organic molecules on Enceladus is possible," he added.PTI

We must be cautious, but it is exciting to think that this discovery indicates that the biological synthesis of organic molecules on Enceladus is possible

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