The Pilots' Union announces to Ryanair that the strike notice


The Ryanair Pilots Union, IALPA, told the airline that its strike notice was maintained.

IALPA said the 24-hour stop next Thursday will be avoided if an agreement is reached on their 11 seniority claims.

Yesterday, Ryanair appealed to the pilots to cancel the strike that he described as useless.

He proposed to meet IALPA and its subsidiary Forsa at the airline's headquarters in Swords on Monday.

However, in her response, Forsa's National Secretary, Angela Kirk, stated that Ryanair's pilots had decided to proceed with their strike vote because they had seen "no evidence from the Ryanair's direction to engage in meaningful negotiations. "

She stated that, in the opinion of its members, as evidenced by the overwhelming majority who voted in favor of it. a claim action, Ryanair's response is very far from what is needed to reach an agreement.

She said that it was another attempt by management to avoid a dispute without absolutely no intention to negotiate on what pilots consider very reasonable requirements.

Ms. Kirk also raised the issue of a meeting place. She said that Forsa / IALPA have always suggested that both parties meet in a neutral place, that the union would rather than Ryanair's headquarters in Swords.

She said no one understands why the airline will not simply accept this, adding: "It's yet another example of Ryanair's view that's" it's our way or not at all "."

that, if the management is really serious in the idea of ​​engaging in serious negotiations, it should confirm that it will meet in a neutral place and respond positively to the union demands of 39, an agreement of seniority.

"This could at least give an indication to members that you will actually participate in a serious negotiation and that you will not be presenting them again on the occasion of the 11th hour," said Ms. Kirk.

She also stated that her members wanted the union to confirm that IALPA / Forsa never agreed to a 20% pilot pay increase this year with Ryanair.

IALPA voted around 100 pilots Employees directly based in Ireland.

However, Ryanair also employs up to 300 more pilots as contractors, self-employed or agency personnel, who will not be on strike. [19659002] Ryanair has announced that it will inform customers of any possible interruptions by Tuesday.

He characterized the strike as unnecessary, given that she submitted documents to the trade union party concerning matters in dispute ge.

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