The SADC Chamisa appeal pays off as the Angolan President responds – The Zimbabwe Mail


ANGOLAN President Joao Manuel Goncalves sent his foreign minister to Zimbabwe to badess the situation in the country ahead of the July 30 elections.

Alliance MDC leader and presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa confirmed the development of a rally The opposition coalition has recently launched a regional diplomatic offensive to pressure the Electoral Commission Zimbabwe (ZEC) which refuses to accede to requests regarding the printing, design and storage of the ballot. 19659002] Chamisa told supporters that Angolan leader sent his foreign minister to Harare

Angola currently chairs the defense, peace and security organ of the regional grouping of SADC [19659002] Koffi Annan who has been to Harare at the head of the group of former leaders of the world of seniors.

Saïd Chamisa; "Most of you may have heard that the elders are in the country."

"They asked us to meet (and) we met with them after we wrote to SADC about our concerns about the ZEC The SADC informed us that Angola has sent its Minister of Foreign Affairs foreigners realize what is really happening in the country. "

The MDC-T leader said his team would meet the Angolan minister on Monday.

I look forward to giving SADC all the evidence regarding election rigging, "he said.

" We presented three key questions to the Elders. One of the problems is that of the ballot; we need a real ballot. "

He added," I do not want what happened to my old man (Morgan) Tsvangirai to happen to me. "

" I sent my team to the ZEC to demand that the ballots are printed again, even if the time is not on our side. 19659002] "The least we are willing to do is test (the paper) batch by batch."

Sibangilizwe Nkomo

Zapu President Dumiso Dabengwa and the son of the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo, Sibangilizwe. 19659002] Dabengwa says that he decided to support Chamisa after realizing that a fragmented opposition can not remove Zanu PF from power.

"My wish was to see a united opposition to face Zanu PF during the elections but unfortunately this did not happen"

"I personally tried to mediate between Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe but unfortunately it did not happen. " However, I support Chamisa and I know that he is able to make changes in Zimbabwe. "


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