The second man held the attack on Gerry Adams's house


  The former chairman of Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams, at a press conference at the Connolly House in Belfast as a result of an explosive attack on his home and Bobby Storey's. Date of the photo: Saturday, July 14, 2018. The houses of Sinn Fein's prominent figures, Gerry Adams and Bobby Storey, were attacked with explosive devices. Photo: Brian Lawless / PA Wire
The former president of Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams, at a press conference at Connolly House in Belfast, as a result of an attack at the ### Explosive against his home and that of Bobby Storey. Date of the photo: Saturday, July 14, 2018. The houses of Sinn Fein's prominent figures, Gerry Adams and Bobby Storey, were attacked with explosive devices. Photo: Brian Lawless / PA Wire
  • A second man was arrested for attacking the home of Gerry Adams

    A second man was arrested following an attack on the house of the deceased. former Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams

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A second man was arrested as part of an attack on the house of the deceased. former Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams.

This 46-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of a number of offenses, including criminal damages, related to incidents at the home of Adams and his colleague Bobby Storey. member of Sinn Fein.

-old man was arrested Tuesday night as part of the same investigation. He was released on bail Wednesday morning pending further police investigations

Explosives were thrown Friday night into the homes of Mr. Adams and Mr. Storey, west of Belfast, Sinn. Fein condemning the attacks "reprehensible and cowardly". Nobody was injured, but a car in the driveway of Mr. Adams' home was damaged.

Police said that large industrial-type fireworks were found on both properties. He stated that he was "very, very grateful" that no one was hurt.

Party President Mary Lou McDonald said Monday that Sinn Fein members were reviewing their safety as a result of the attacks.

Dissident Republicans for the attacks, the police still have to publicly blame the responsibility.

Hundreds of people attended a rally in west Belfast on Monday night to show support for Mr. Adams and Mr. Storey.

dissident s as "enemies of the people".

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